
  • Coordinates: Xupra-05172015
    Name: Susan
    Date: 05/17/2015
    Begin Time: 0345p
    End Time: 0444
    Session Form: Xupra
    INSIDE: Yes
    ENVIRONMENT: cool. damp
    ATMOSPHERE: charged, adventurous, exciting, fun, serene
    TOPOGRAPHY: open, wide , undulating, expansve
    SOUNDS: humming, flowing, rythmic
    TASTE-SMELL: sweet, aromatic, pleasant (smells)
    sweet, tangy, fresh (tastes)

    TEXTURES-SURFACES: spread out, natural, open, airy, impressive,
    AI/EI/D: AI- feels like star gazing, or something similar
    EI- feels way deeper than that, like a very deep connection
    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: Connecting to the space here, feels like sky watching, or some type of observation of the sky or atmosphere.
    P2 VISUAL: greys, whites, blacks(colors)
    low contrast,
    luminosity is dark, twilight, shimmery, shadowed
    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: texture is rough, smooth, sandy, dry surfaces is hard, semi-hard, natural, warm
    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: mass is bulky and solid, size is normal, angle is horizontal
    P2 MATERIALS: stone, sand
    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: simple, huge, wide, flat
    P2 MOTION: slow, ponderous
    P2 PURPOSE: observation, connection
    P2 PHONETICS: ssshhhhhoooffff
    P2 MOVEMENT 1: I am sensing different shape objects in the sky or atmosphere.
    P2 MOVEMENT 3: Brilliant in shape and color, purples, blues, greens, bright reds
    P2 MOVEMENT 5: Shapes that I cannot identify with, never seen before
    P2 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: It feels like a place to go and connect with different dimensions, or star stations?, also some type of portal, somewhere that allows travel to other places.
    P3 CA OFF-LOAD TERM: erase
    P3 CA DUMP NON-THINGS: mobility
    P4 THINGS: planets, beings,
    P4 NON-THINGS: presence
    P4 TELEPATHIC: communication very open
    P4 WILD CARD: One Mind
    P4 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: It feels like a place to connect with ALL, beings are able to connect on a very deep level
    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: I see a backdrop of dark mountains, almost black and pointy. It is a place far away from any other parts of Xupra. It is sacred and alive. It feels like a vortex, or something special like that. Opening to other beings here and the planet herself. Almost like the birth place of her. Origins, beginning. Opening.
    P5 SECOND AWARENESS QA: How often would a visitor want to come here? As needed, or want.
    What is the purpose of this place? To reconnect, clear, and rest.
    I FEEL: This target makes me feel like I want to go there and stay awhile. It is very peaceful, rejuvenating, and refreshing. It makes me feel happy and hopeful.
    PSS: In this session on Xupra I am outside ( I typed it wrong), and am alone. The environment is cool and damp. The atmosphere is charged, adventurous, exciting, fun and serene. Topography is open, wide, undulating, and expansive.Sounds are humming, flowing, and rhythmic. Smells are sweet, aromatic, and pleasant. Tastes are sweet tangy and fresh. AI- Feels like star gazing, or something similar. EI feels way deeper than stargazing, like a very deep connection. Freeform description- feels like skywatching, or some type of observation of the sky or atmosphere. Greys, whites, and blacks are the colors so far. Low contrast.Luminosity is dark, twilight, shimmery, and shadowed. Surface texture is rough, smooth, sandy, dry, surface is hard, semi-hard, natural, and warm. Mass is bulky and solid, size is normal, angle is horizontal. Material is stone and sand. Shapes/ structure is simple, huge, wide, flat. Motion is slow and ponderous. Purpose is observation and connection. Sound is !
     sssshhooofff. Movement exercise- I am sensing different shapes that I cannot identify with, never seen before. Freeform description- It feels like a place to go and connect with different dimensions, or star stations?, also some type of portal, or somewhere that allows travel to other places.  CA Dump non things-mobility, things, planets, beings, non-things, presence. Wild card- One Mind. It feels like a place to connect with ALL , beings are able to connect on a very deep level.
    Second awareness movement-I see a backdrop of dark mountains, almost black and pointy. It is a place far away from any other parts of Xuprs. It is sacred and alive. It feels like a vortex or something special like that. This place is an opening to other beings here and the planet herself. Almost like the birth place of the planet herself. Origins, beginning, and opening. How often would someone want to come here? As often as one wants or needs. What is the purpose of this place? To reconnect, clear, open, and rest.
    This target makes me feel like I want to go there now and stay a while. It is very peaceful, rejuvenating, and refreshing. It makes me feel happy and hopeful.

    That one felt really sketchy and scattered- hope I get much better!

  • Coordinates: Xupra-08/30/2015
    Name: Susan
    Date: 08/30/2015
    Begin Time: 4:53
    End Time: 05:47
    AV/PD: Seeing faces in the cave or temple.
    Session Form: Xupra
    OUTSIDE: Yes
    ACCOMPANIED: With Someone
    SUN ANGLE: Early Twilight
    ENVIRONMENT: damp, cool, dew
    ATMOSPHERE: light, quiet, serene, meditative
    TOPOGRAPHY: open, flat, wide, expansive
    SOUNDS: crackling, it is like something is popping awake like plants or something
    rhythmic, flowing, breezy, but mostly silence
    TASTE-SMELL: Smells are of morning dew, flowers, vegetation like grass, tastes are fresh
    TEXTURES-SURFACES: spread out, natural, open, airy, impressive, big, n/a
    AI/EI/D: It feels very peaceful, calm, meditative and quiet.
    P1 FREEFORM DESCRIPTIONS: It feels like I am in a quiet, wide open space, my mood is quiet, and contemplative. It feels as if I may do this type of thing each new day. I sit here with myself and nature, and completely become one with it. It feels as if it is a timeless exercise, and is also very pleasurable.  It seems as if this exercise is very similar to food, or nourishment. It also feels like I am One with all that is here. I feel completely disconnected from material things. All my needs are met here.
    P2 VISUAL: Colors are reds, greens, blues, yellows, oranges, violets, white, pastels, pinks
    contrasts are mixed
    luminosity is twilight and shimmery
    P2 TEXTURES-SURFACES: texture is smooth, damp,
    surface is soft, natural, and flexible and warm
    P2 MASS-DIMENSIONS: mass is immovable, substantial, and solid
    size is average
    angle is verticle
    P2 MATERIALS: skin, cloth, plant
    P2 SHAPES-STRUCTURES: wide and flat
    P2 MOTION: ponderous
    P2 CONCEPTS: one-ness and focused
    P2 PURPOSE: Daily routine, connects
    P2 PHONETICS: mmmm, aaahhh
    P5 SECOND AWARENESS IMPESSIONS: It took me a while to be able to focus on the being you say you want us to come to and be with.But I feel like it is an Aboriginal looking man with a big nose, and afro hairdo. I see a circle with something sticking through it like limbs. or herbs.I can sense that he is using this to cleanse me to help me connect, and be more in my avitar there. He is trying to help me be more present. He does not use words, he sends feelings to my whole body. What he is doing is helping me make a deeper connection to Shu-Zen and Susan.  It feels like our hearts have become ONE. He is showing me how in the silence, just by his being. He has never known any difference, he has always been completely One with All, never separated. I sense some kind of bird with a really long tail feather swooping down, but I don' t feel threatened.
    I FEEL: This target makes me feel lots of heart energy, very peaceful and more connected to my avitar there at Xupra. This being feels very old and wise, and his silence is very peaceful.
    PSS: As I enter the cave and Crystal Temple, I see faces, like it is Spirits or Guides there. I don't see things at like this very often (yet). I felt like at first there was someone there, but never got to that part. The time of the day is twilight morning, it is damp, cool and dew is on the vegetation. The atmosphere is light, quiet, serene ad meditative. Topography is open, flat, wide, and expansive. There is a sound of crackling, it is like something is popping awake, like plants or something, also rhythmic, flowing, breezy, but mostly silence. Smells are of morning dew, flowers, vegetation like grass, tastes are fresh. This place feels very peaceful, calm, meditative, and quiet.
    P1- It feels like I am in a quiet, wide open space, my mood is quiet and contemplative. It feels as if I may do this type of thing each new day. I shit here with myself and nature, and completely become One with it. I feels as if it is a timeless exercise, and as we ha is very pleasurable. It seems as if this exercise is very similar to food or nourishment.It also feels  like I am One with all that is here. I feel completely disconnected to material things,, All my needs are met here. Colors are reds, greens, blues, yellows, oranges, violets, white, pastels, and pinks. Contrasts are mixed. Luminosity is twilight and shimmery.
    Texture is smooth, damp, surface is soft, natural, flexible, and warm.
    Mass is immovable, substantial, and solid. Size is average and angle is horizontal.
    Materials are skin, cloth and plant.
    The shape of the area is wide and flat.
    The motion is ponderous.
    Concept is One-ness and focused.
    Purpose is a daily routine and connects me to the inner communication of all the beings and avitars there.
    So after you asked us to meet you where you were with the being, it took me a while to get any data, but I immediately felt a presence of that being in my heart area. I sensed a man that made me think of an Aboriginal man. Black skin, wide nose, afro hair, and pleasant smile, powerful presence. I can see a circular object that has limbs or herbs that are inside of it, or through it. It seems as if he is using this to cleanse e and help me connect and be more in my avitar there. He is trying to help me be more present there (Susan). What he is doing is helping me make a deeper connection to Shu-Zen and to Susan. It feels like our hearts have become One. He is showing me how in silence, just by being. He never knew any different, he has never felt separated from True Source like humans do. His name is Aber.
    I also sense a black bird that is swooping down that has a really long tail feather. I did not feel threatened by it, and it was silent.
    This target makes me feel lots of heart energy, very peaceful and more connected to my avitar here at Xupra. This being feels very old and wise, and his silence is very peaceful, and if you sat with him for a short while, it would bring tears from the peace you can feel from him. Thanks Jason and Mary! I feel the same when I am with you both and our others in the group.

  • Wow that was so nicely recorded Sooz, I actually felt as though I was with you as I read through your session.  Thanks for sharing your experience 

  • Thanks Michael, I kind of fell out of practice. I let other things like busy work and other things get too much in the way, so my trip was a reboot of sorts, working my way back to regular sessions. 

  • Coordinates: Xupra 030616
    Name: Susan
    Date: 03062016
    Begin Time: 0915
    End Time: 10:24
    AV/PD: For the first time I felt the power of the Crystal Temple. It felt like the pillars of the temple were giant crystals like the ones found underground in Mexico. The whole temple was translucent, and all the light that was coming in was coming to a point to me, charging me with light. Very energizing, and introspective.
    Session Form: Xupra
    INSIDE: Yes
    ENVIRONMENT: Cool, crisp, comfortable
    ATMOSPHERE: Charged, comfortable, energizing, light, almost floaty. Heart centering, and opening, connected to AllSelf.
    TOPOGRAPHY: Open and expansive.
    SOUNDS: As the light hits the Crystal Temple, it is like notes being touched on a synthesizer, softly and comforting sounds coming from all directions inside the temple.
    TASTE-SMELL: Taste is somewhat like honey, but different, not as sweet and more flowery, very satisfying. The smell is crisp, like biting an apple, almost dripping with sweetness, the smell makes my breath go all the way out the bottom of my root chakra. This smell is making my breath widen to the width of my body, then to about 3 feet out. I can feel my breath going in a downward motion, circular, and each breath charges my meridians, and charges my whole being.
    TEXTURES-SURFACES: Vast, spread out, expansive, natural, far reaching, extensive and impressive., Spacious, impressive, natural, lighted, complex.
    AI/EI/D: AI- It feels like home here, a place of deep comfort. Like somewhere I could stay for an eternity, very sparkly.

    I am exploring the Crystal Temple, looking around and feeling deeper what is like in here.
    All colors are present, only transparent, and are like raindrops, but not wet and it is the light coming through the crystal temple roof, that is also made of a crystal type material. The texture of the building material is transparent like raindrops, but not wet, shimmery, giving a wet  appearance, but dry. Mass is slight, but has a massive feel to it, very substantial, very grounding effect, immovable and solid. Dimensions are large towering and vast. So, inside it feels small and intimate and outside it fells large and vast.
    Materials are made of all crystal, no other materials are present, it feels as if it was formed completely from crystal growth.
    Shapes and structures are complex with arches, spheres of light, domes, tall towering spires.
    The motion of this temple is spiraling, slow  and ponderous, and clearing most of all. The purpose of this place is to prepare for a journey in Xupra
    Phonetics are Very, very light sounds, the light hitting the crystals is making sounds that are very comforting and helping do the work of clearing preparation, that clear the energy field.
    It feels like I need an extended visit to this Crystal Temple to help me readjust to Xupra, since it has been months since I have visited Xupra. I feel as if I needed to feel at home there again, and that feels like an energetic hug, a coming home, so to speak. 
    The theme of this spiritual adjustment, contact, cleansing, integration, discovery, encoding and teaching, and download.
    This is a natural structure.
    I feel open and clear, adjusted to be back in Xupra again and to help with group operations and to build my future there.
  • Amazing session Sooz! Thanks for posting.
  • Via Hubble: The cosmic "ice sculptures" of the Carina Nebula. Scientists are still trying to explain the beautiful spires.:

    This is not like what I saw in my session, but well worth posting!

  •  FEEL: I feel lighter, and feel if I conquered some fear of something like a personality split or loosing something of myself, which is silly.

    PSS: I am inside a place, alone, it is dry, serene, light and fun. There are quiet bells, or ringing kind of like wind chimes, only very faint in sound. Outside of the space I am in is very spacious, roomy and simple. There is a slight smell of pleasant smoke of something burning, but very faint. The space that I occupy feels like a comfortable energetic place used for healing, meditation, sitting in silence, and just being. The structure I am in now to me feels like a portal cave that you have to know how to enter it through another entrance, like a Shamanic journey. This cave is peaceful, comfortable, comforting, energizing, cleansing, and feels like home, and also has a feel of heart energy. It is on top of a beautiful green lush mountain that over looks a valley of trees, nature, and a river below. From inside I can hear distant sounds of the water running in the river and birds quietly singing in the distance. It is like I can sit in this cave and look out over this great expanse and see nature everywhere and sky, these are places where I can find the most peace. Colors are green, blue, black, brown and white. Reds are in the distance. Inside where I sit is smooth, outside is rough, wooden, hard, loose. and slippery. The space I am in is heavy, impenetrable, dense, large, solid, towering and concave. Materials are stone, smoke, sand, and very simple inside the cave. The structure has arches and is concave. The motion is ponderous, and contemplative. The concept is to be submissive, holy , focus on oneness, and to be focused. Purpose is to be one with me and my avitar Shu-Zen, and to be able to feel comfortable in Xupra, and release the fear that my sessions are not worth doing. ( Baggage from my childhood). The sound I hear is a very soft hummm. Movement exercise reveals that there is no visual opening to the sacred cave in the side of this healing place that I have found. If I could fly out to the height of the opening of this place, you could not enter from here, you would have to go through a secret portal, which is where I went in from.So I feel like this was a healing session between Susan Holt and Shu-Zen. Susan got afraid some how, and needed to reconnect. Thank both of me, well us ONE! Also, in my drawing, it showed things all connecting. I feel like there was great healing that happened in my session.
  • What a beautiful place to be. Powerful peace.

  • Thank you Molly!

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