We invite you to share your experiences journeying to, from and within the Temple of the White Fountain.
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Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
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Read more…Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
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We are able to reprogram the coding in the water molecules of our bodies. Jason has been providing these tools for years, the latest and quite powerful one being iMagi. The Temple can also greatly assist us with this. Our subconscious beliefs are held in the 4th D. Journeying to realms such as the Temple of the White Fountain enable us to more readily access the internal programs where we can bypass the logical 3D mind to make changes in our coding structures.
Hello all.
Imma keep it short at the moment.
Let's just say the trip to the White Fountain Temple was intriging. I was allowed to breathe what I call HO2, not H2O, bc I feel the pool I submerged myself in was a higher desity plane of water. We change form so why can't water? I could swim/fly in this water. It was more light, different. I can breath it. I was instructed to breath it like prana and allowed to use it; unless I don't use it, then I lose it. And I am a Pisces. Very interesting experience.
I stepped into the White Fountain Waters without wanting nor needing anything. But that’s another story. It is nonetheless important to share this very relevant backstory. Last year I had a surgery that was abdominal related. As a result, it took me a long time to be able to hold my body asmI was deprived of my core strength.
The surgery left me with nerve pain that easily got triggered by cold temperature especially air conditioning. Going to work to an office was challenging and just right down painful. I asked my manager to telecommute. My request was denied by the interim and in doing so he violated my rights under the American disability act. There were other violations. My manager compelled me to return to work. And a few weeks later I tripped over a cord and fell down. I learned two weeks ago I tore a ligament in my wrist which will require surgery.
I reported my case to Title IX ( think of it as the US justice department) . The head of the department advocated my case before the head of the institution I work for. I asked for the opportunity to telecommute for 2 months among other things. In exchange, I would forgo my pursuit to open an investigation agains my manager for violation of my civil rights. My case reached the head of the institutional’s desk which led to a few promising meetings. Few days later, the Corona virus compelled all educational organizations to transition to online learning. In compliance with state and local laws our educational organization created the infrastructure for students instructors and employees to telecommute in matters of days. As for me, my case hadn’t resolved although it’s going to be a year. I laughed and cried at the irony of it all.
my injured hand
I think this happened after I left the fountain. I sensed an iron rod penetrate my wrist in the torn ligament is located. The searing heat caused me to hold my hand and holding back tears of pain. The pain was sudden lasting and reaching a level of 8 on a scale of 1-10. The pain had the qualities of a surgical intervention.
A knowing of the next steps needed to be followed came to me casually. That was to wear my brace immediately and to sleep with it every night. I will know when to stop. The other step was to go to bed immediately after meditation.
i asked the lady why did I have to go through all this when telecommuting was going to be granted to everyone. It took a pandemic that was going to happen anyway for me to telecommute. The answer that was revealed to me was the abuse of power, exploitation, inequalities issues in organizations needed to be exposed for a reset to happen. My journey was about holding the mirror to allow those in a position of power to reset. I saw a projectile vomit come out from my heart. But it’s broader cleansing that needs first to happen.
On a conscious level I know that my villainous manager was playing his part. There isn’t a story about a heroes journey without a villain. At times I enjoy the feelings of discuss he evokes in me. I understand I need to overcome that addiction. Letting go of that addiction causes me to see how my villainous manager has supported my growth, especially creatively since this journey started. In that way I can fully appreciate his qualities. My 3D- component grasps and is even moved by such understanding. At the same time, she says remember the tale of the scorpion and the frog. Don’t be a frog. Remember your manager is forever a scorpion.
And in the fountain I got to see all of My selves
Interesting indeed and very cool. I would love to read more about your experience.
I have experienced the water as being very viscous at times, not sticky per se, but rather "thicker" than water and breathable. Other times I have experienced it as light.
iAE* said:
Wow Theo, this is powerful stuff you share! You are a brave volunteer and warrior.
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Among many things, the fountain is a scrying tool that allows us to observe without (as much 3D) distortion the energetic signatures, "past, present, future", that have imprinted codes that are held in our water memory. It provides a mirror to look "into" ourselves, and it also provides a healing function that can be instantaneous--but also can be experienced as evolving through time.
We here are all of the White Fountain, it is an aspect of our simultaneous multidimensional selves.
Theo said:
I loved my visit. It was really nourishing and relaxing. My flower was out of this world wild looking. spikey petals in crimson and purple. Glowed in the center. At the fountain I felt like I was in a bubbling hot spring and it was exactly what I needed. When I got up afterward I walked into the hallway to adjust the thermostat and I turned on the light for the hallway to see the thermostat screen and it blew out. I blow out at least a lightbulb a month now.
FYI we get an allotted time to be on a call. Maybe like 3-4 hours tops so everyone please do not call into the conference call until it is time to do so. Not more than 30 minutes early, please. Someone called in at 2:45 pm on Wednesday and stayed on the call the whole time and it drained our call time and cut our meditation time short. Thank you for understanding.
Thanks Molly for guiding us to the Temple of the White Fountain! It was a very pleasant and relaxing experience for me, deeper than usual, and I got 2 answers to my questions, which is pretty good for me. The water felt like a bathing/being showered in unconditional love.
Thanks for sharing Brigitte. Lovely!
Brigitte Mouchet said:
Cheryl, It didn't get recorded but Jason spoke of us doing more group visits, recorded for playback.
This sure sounds like where to be :)