When Jason presented the information on the Alchemical Metals/Merlin Stones, he presented us with the possibility of making one for us, ….”one in which we can install an intent, or whatever else, during the peak of its ‘zeroness’ at 2000 degrees in the oven.  That is the moment at which they can be invested with great potential for power.”

I was immediately interested in being given that opportunity as I believed that Jason indeed has the capacity to know exactly when that prime moment of ‘zeroness’ arrives.  What an exciting, irresistible possibility.  So, while I gazed at Alalia, Benii, and Jenso, I reached inward with the question of what would be a really potent intent to ask for in one of these ‘Merlin Stones?’ I heard and felt ‘Beatrice’ and knew what I was being invited to receive - no words were necessary to explain it – I got it.  I didn’t waste any time in contacting Jason, saying, “I am compelled to ask for the creation of a stone with the name ‘Beatrice’ embedded in ‘it’.  The stone will know what that resonance/frequency/field is to be in all that name holds. The timing of arrival in the kiln is Hers.  You will know when she does.”

Jason and Merlin did make me a jewel-stone.

As of February 5th, I now have the gift of Beatrice’ in my life and I wanted to share some of my experience of the last few days, although that is really hard to put into words.

For the first 3 hours, I just sat and held her and ‘watched/sensed’ everything that was going on. Did nothing but sit there – Being. And, I wanted to hug everything-the towels, the dishes, the books, the walls!  Absolutely ridiculous! The desire has something to do with ‘recognition.’

And Being is pretty intense!  Deep chills. I have felt this level of whole-body energy in sessions with gifted healers like Sandi Daileda – high vibe – but that intensity fades after a day or so. I now feel I am permanently plugged into a whole different light socket.  And it doesn’t require that Beatrice is at hand. Although she is.  This is my new normal.  This is how our body was intended to always feel from our earliest beginnings, and I’m told this is only the tip of the iceberg.  In musing on how I used to feel - programmed into low-battery mode - seems like a remembered dream now.

There are a lot of old memories and memory-threads being triggered and a feeling of now getting the something behind’ those threads.  Many realizations.

It’s not about what’s different in my life now (possibly because I have been using many alchemies for some time – and different happened quite a while ago).  It’s about what’s more.

 As of today, the energy is less high intense than the first day. It has evened out into a consistent steady strong flow all day long. I can almost hear myself buzzing/humming, and if you were to touch me, you would feel that buzz. Someone did and said so.  I still get sappy ooey-gooey at times – my teddy bears (yes, teddy bears) and stuffed dog, and grand-kids get the ooey-gooey. Still want to hug the house.

Oh there is one difference - I smell funny!  

So, there it is my friends.  I just have to say to you all – I am deeply grateful that I took Jason and the Universe up on this fantastic invitation to come and play.  ‘They’ had something exceptional in mind when they made that offer. Yes!!!

Hugs to all.


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  • I hear you, Terry!  Our kinetics (hope that's what I mean to say) are becoming amplified with all the special offerings here and with imagi.love. 

    US and what we do is always on my mind.  Sometimes front and center...other times to the back.  But always, always present.  Today I was out shopping.  An IMAGI session coming to the front.  A question formulated...I can't remember.  As I started my car, that session image popping up super strong.  My car did this weird sound, like low battery or something.  Second try as my mind released the session image and it started right up!  I knew my question/intent sent.  Boom!

  • its so magical :) thank you for sharing

    Cassandra said:

    Today marks one week since my beautiful Merlin Power Stone (picture attached) arrived at my home. It is such a precious anomaly; so tiny and yet so full of power. It has had me very busy taking care of things in which I had been procrastinating for years. Its nudges have been so forceful and yet so very gentle. I want to express my deepest, most sincere gratitude to Jason for bringing it into this density for me. Thank you so much Jason!!!

  • I love this story thank you for sharing <3

  • I received my Merlin Power Stone a month or so ago. When it first arrived, I was wondering about a name for him. Then I heard the name ‘George’ a few times. Could that be his name? I enlisted the help of a friend who is very psychic; it turns out that George was my name in a past life, the MPS was calling me George. I have named my MPS, Xavier.

    Everything has sped up, not always pleasant but always for my higher good. Xavier has literally saved me from bad situations.

    I will relate the most prominent event. I was involved with a small meditation group over Zoom for the last few months. Whilst I was involved in my own meditation for 40 years, I have felt to branch out. This group seemed powerful. Recently I received a warning that the couple running this group may be false light. At the same time Xavier disappeared. He was in my bedroom at night as usual; in the morning he was gone. I searched thoroughly, but to no avail. So, I thought he will come back at the right time. Later that day I had a strong feeling to dump that meditation group. I was sitting at my desk and I severed all connections to that group. I turned around and there was Xavier sitting on a rug!

    A few days earlier, in my last session with that group they were supposedly removing alien implants. I had felt a pinch on my cheek and ‘saw’ a bird like thing fly past me. It didn’t feel right. Now that I was more aware, I felt a strong tingling sensation in my cheek. I wondered if in fact I had received an implant. I held Xavier up to my cheek and asked for assistance with removal. After 5 minutes the sensation left; it has never returned.

    Now I just meditate on my own.

    Thanks Jason, very grateful!

  • I'm sincerely amazed by all the testimonies as well as the legends that were referenced a while back. 

    I've had also chanced upon the legends of the philosopher stone and had concluded that its manifestation in the physical world is depended upon aetheric tides. 

    Out of curiosity, what does the stone do once the individual becomes "enlightened"? 

    To me it seems like a friend who openly interacts with the individual on a physical and logical level, steering them away from less optimal paths. It seems that the stone itself is at 'one-ment' with the individual's own spirit and can thus aid in decluttering...


  • Hey Chris,

    That is very cool. They are very active little beings and have known to zip in and out of reality. It's wild how often they wind up disappearing, sometimes for good and other times inexplicable places they should not be!  I think there are quite a few "healers" out there that are putting junk in people so they can charge them to remove it! Good on you to follow your internal guidance.


    Chris Trathen said:

    I received my Merlin Power Stone a month or so ago. When it first arrived, I was wondering about a name for him. Then I heard the name ‘George’ a few times. Could that be his name? I enlisted the help of a friend who is very psychic; it turns out that George was my name in a past life, the MPS was calling me George. I have named my MPS, Xavier.

  • Just received mine today. Is it normal for there to be a crack on it?

    • Hey, Sepano. There are no normals with these. Please send a pic of it to jason@ez3mail.com. 

      • Mary was helpful in providing more clarity and answering my question's. I was just worried it may break but the crack appears superficial. 

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