The Last Couple of Days 2/19 - 2/23

This is mainly for those in on the Solstice Interval Initiations, but even if you don't know what that is, it is never too late to seize on such a powerful opportunity to some extent or other. More on that below.

Have you had something of a rough go of it the last few days...starting from something like maybe the 19th? Or at least anything you might be able to attribute to a fairly significant shift?

I ask because I have a feeling, a pretty strong one really, that it's a preparation for the upcoming Eclipse and Supermoon all happening on the Equinox, which is needless to say an incredible combo. If you haven't undergone something like that, it might be smart to ask for such a shift as preparation for that, because on the face of it it appears it might be a full 28 day cycle to settle in, which gives everyone at five to seven more days to be SURE of self-preparation. The timing was certainly suspicious for that reason.

Maybe your experience will help us out, and since it's like pulling teeth around here to get people to share their experiences, I'm formally soliciting them now so we can maybe get a better handle on what's happening and what opportunities we're being presented with.

If you'd like to get up to speed on this series of Solar Initiations, then use Sunspace to ask for the Initiation that was done on the last Solstice, December 21, 2012. You can at that time also ask for any initiations needed for the upcoming Equinox.

Sunspace Info / Sunspace Device

Discussion Forum - here you will see there was a Conference Call, but the recording somehow failed. Not to worry. Just ask for the Initiation and all Intelligences that were in on our Communion will be with you to get it done. If you're not complete with instructions as given, perhaps we'll have another Communion for those not quite up to speed.

Initiation Central - A handy page for everything that can be done in preparation.

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  • Hello, Jason, I am so grateful to have found you and your profound work; which includes all whose intention is to raise the frequencies for all. I am so new to monatomic golds. I would like to know if I should start with Alkhem or Phase 1-Helios Gold and Platinum. Please advise.

    Sapphire Sun
  • Well thank you so much, Ms. Sun ;-D and welcome home. Let me ask you this. Have you found yourself drawn to either? Anyway, they are a truly powerful combo together, especially after our group trip to Jupiter. Even the old and steady mainstay, Alkhem, was raised to a pretty stunning level after that. So the rule of thumb is that if finances allow, go with both sets. If not, go with what you're most drawn to, bearing in mind that you might get called to the one you don't get.

    Does that make sense?

    Sapphire Sun said:

    Hello, Jason, I am so grateful to have found you and your profound work; which includes all whose intention is to raise the frequencies for all. I am so new to monatomic golds. I would like to know if I should start with Alkhem or Phase 1-Helios Gold and Platinum. Please advise.

    Sapphire Sun
  • Jason, thank you. I am so excited to join this fun adventure with everyone. I am feasting on your words. They alone are raising my frequency moment-by-moment. I found "My Family", Saturday evening, and since Sunday, I've been doing the group meditation. My mind won't stay still, until I tried the transcendence meditation, later in the afternoon.

    I notice that when I stare into the Symbol, I notice light beings are in the center. A lot of light comes from it. It does rotate. I also discovered the Symbol to quit "cussing", this evening. What's great, is when I was talking to a friend earlier today, before I read about the "stop cussing" Symbol, I felt very uncomfortable that I had said a few cuss words.

    I am grateful, that I've been seeking for such a long time to find a base like this.

    I thank you for stepping up to the plate, to represent all of us.

    May we continue to explore the Multi-realities and I wait patiently to join you there:-).

    Your SiStar,

    Sapphire Sun
  • Hi Jason and everyone.Wow yes I feel like I have been on a roller coaster of emotions.

    I was very weepy before the new moon last week.Lots of past memories coming up for release.After the new moon I have been feeling a little less rattle even though I have a family member in ICU a close friend had a stroke.My daughter who lives thousands of miles away has had an eye swollen shut for 3 weeks and they still do not know why and she is a mess.I have been using the helios rhodium,osmium and supergold every day.I believe they are helping me stay grounded and observing the drama and not getting drawn in.Before the new moon I was more rattled.

    I have been journaling a lot and this is helping.The word rejection came up last week and triggered a flood of tears.All the tender spots being revealed and released.

    I live alone and in silence most of the time and it is awesome to observe.I feel the connection to my trees and birds and my cats at a deeper level

    Oh yes...things are manifesting at an accelerated speed.I barely think of something and it is before me.I was reading about a guitar player and heard an interview on the radio the next dayabout him and a local store had a thing on facebook to win tickets to see him and I won the tickets.This all took place in a matter of 3 days.woohoo.

    The high pitched ringing in my ears has been very loud the last 4-5 days and buzzing.This is how I tell when the energies on the planet are high or higher.

    I know the alchemies are helping and I am paying more attention to my intuition.I am trying to let this be my guide more and bold and be in my integrity.

    there I think I have covered it all.Such wonderfilled days we are living in.


  • YES!  I have been in a highly agitated, short-fuse  state for real no good reason....this is so unlike my usual state of be-ingness that I couldn't really identify with what I was feeling for a few days, but it fits this time frame.  I have slowed down and accepted it and doing meditative practices and yoga to shift this energy a bit. Just kind of watching it.   Also the top of my head has been "buzzing" when I stop and "ask for assistance" from the universe..  Just purchased and moving on to the Helios  Phase two group of alchemies and looking forward to their arrival getting to know them!  

  • thanks Cosmic Keith for that " I Love you Everyone" but I can't care statement.

    It is how I am feeling.Thanks.

  • Hi Jason,

     I have experienced two major emotional shifts over the last weekend. The first occurred during the night of Friday, February 20th, several hours after the beautiful “Dare to Share” call with Mary. I woke up (literally) to a new realization and different viewpoint around an issue that has bothered me for some time. With this new perspective, I quickly and easily found myself with a new attitude and filled with appreciation, gratitude, love and peace around it. What a relief!  I am still enjoying the lightness! The second shift occurred on Sunday, February 22nd. I lost what I considered very valuable information on my computer.  As I was descending into an emotional meltdown, I was able to stop, allow the emotions to move through me and out. I was able to calmly walk away from the situation somehow knowing that it was just not that important.

  • Namaste Jason,

    Yes, Thank you! Intense does not even come close and my experience seems to be accelerating lately. As a child growing up in the 50's my mother expected me to look Perfect but NOT express myself AT ALL!! in ANY way. So even now my heart is pounding and my hands are sweaty triggering past anxiety of scorn, ridicule and rejection.  I have spent MANY Years working to clear this "100,000 layer onion" with limited success,  this has been even more apparent when I started alchemy.I have approached the S System DOZENS of times in the last five months only to trigger MAJOR anxiety, resistance and even ABJECT TERROR resulting in long uncontrollable weeping,  and also brings up memories of Atlaentan and ancient Egyptian horrors and traumas.  I have used past life regression, Akashic records, and rebirthing but no releasing to the point of complete exhaustion, wanting to end my journey by whatever means possible, wanting to dissolve, disappear, give up or end my life/restart, even fleeting thoughts of suicide (I could NEVER do)...A cyclical  I don't know where to turn to or what direction to take. EXHAUSTING!

    I feel embarrassed and apologize for my lack of participation in this community...I even bought expensive headphones/mic for Zupera parties but my unresolved energies have stopped me :(

    I appreciate everyone who, like me has challenges and I sincerely appreciate Jason and Mary (I feel you in the field)and alchemy for supporting and helping.

    Love Light and Peace


  • Suzann!

    Ahh congratulations on conquering your fear and  taking a step forward. You  have just expressed yourself to your other selves ( us). That is what Namaste means right? I am another you? It takes courage to speak one's truth. Other's lurk and maybe they have something to say but do not. What ar ethey afraid of? OF being exposed?  the truth is we all want to be seen not even in a pure light or a comoplimentary light. We want to be seen as we are right now scars and all. It is a missed opportunity to connect. Well, I hear you. I honor you and I see you. Now- our ego sometimes will make excuses for us on why we cannot do something.

     Around here sometimes people let their walls stop them. The wall is not really there. It's just a thought form. A belief. A phantom. If we are afraid fine we can be afraid and still walk through our fear just as you did not more an hour ago. Fear of rejection and judgment are huge fears. That we will punished or killed for expressing ourselves. In the long buried memory in the body of being shunned at one time meant certain death but the truth is that death is a lie. And we are already dead. So you are speaking to a room full of ghosts of our your other selves who have no right to judge you. All I know is that your stories all of you help me to understand myself. It matter not at all what the story is because I have enacted and been all things in every spectrum you can imagine. Therefore I have no power or desire nor right to judge. Around here is curiosity and appreciation.  What is interesting to me is how powerful we are when we are naked. When we are vulnerable we are disarming and it gives people permission to take OFF their masks. That kind of power is why we were silenced. 

    But no more! A spoken word begins with a thought. Let thy thoughts be true and then translated into word sound power!

  • Hey lovely Suzann,

    What Mary said. ;)

    Seriously, your soul baring exposure of vulnerability shows how mighty powerful you really are sister. I see you, you are a titan. It takes strength and honest self reflection to reveal the fears that dwell within and without. By naming them, you are setting them free, you are allowing a new, powerful story, an new myth of "You" to shape. These layers of the onion are the stuff art is made of. Pick up the discarded pieces and weave a new mythology. A powerful, resourceful, highly sensitive being exists through you, as you. Allow your eyes to give to this mighty "you", so that it may watch its creation without judgment and as joy. (me thinks you do already, except maybe at times towards yourself).

    We are here. We see you. We feel you. We know you are here. We take comfort in the love that you are and can wait an eternity for you as you, we are timeless.


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