The Power of ABS

Remember, in ABS Training our targets are blind targets, and so the session below is by a person who had no idea what she was perceiving before beginning the session.

So, here's Taj Majal with normal everyday perception:

And here it is according to the multisensory, multiplanal, ABS Training. If you don't want to look over the data and just go right to the "meat" of it, scroll down to Themes and Types and start your reading there.

Coordinates: _______ ______
Name: ___________ _____________
Date: 11/30/2015
Begin Time: 03:45PM
End Time: 06:15PM
Session Form: Phases 1-6
TIME: Night
WHERE: Not Enclosed
FOV 1: Wide Open
MOISTURE: Both Wet and Dry
RIGIDITY: Both Rigid and Flexible
SURFACE DATA 3: Between Coarse and Smooth
SURFACE DATA 7: Penetrable
SURFACE DATA 9: Changing
P1 SOUND: High
OTHER SENSE: Both Alive and Built
MOTION DATA: Both Moving and Stationary
SOUNDS: windy, steady,
ME3- rhythmic, thrumming, humming, drumming, singing
SMELLS: fresh, sunny, smokey
ME3- aromatic, incense
TASTES: pungent, dry
ME3- fresh, wet, sweet, salty, tangy
TEMPERATURES: cold, chilly, dry
ME3- warm
SURFACES: hard, rigid, solid, built, slippery, cold
ME3- soft, natural, flexible
TEXTURES: rough, smooth, dry, slick
ME3 - silky, cloth,
VERTICALS: high, tall, steep
ME3- short, squat
HORIZONTALS: flat, wide, open, thick
MASS: thick, substantial, immovable, solid
ME3 - mobile
SIZE: large, dominating
ME3- normal
OUTSIDE SPACE: vast, spread out, natural, unenclosed, open, airy,
ME3 - populous,
INSIDE SPACE: tight, hollow, dark, empty
ME3- crowded, lighted
P2 AI/EI/D: AI - clean lines
EI - balanced
MY IMPRESSION: A single, very large object in a high, open, unenclosed windy space/place which commands attention.
VISUAL: blues, violets, purples, blacks, whites, high, stark, glowing, twilight, shadowed
ME1- yellows
ME3 - low, patterned, blended, reds, pinks, oranges,
MATERIALS: stone, wood,
ME1- vegetation, soil, water
ME3- skin, cloth, glass, incense
ME4 - paint, plaster
STRUCTURAL: intricate, tall, solitary, towering, huge
ME1- complex, cubes, columns, rectangles
ME3 - geometric
ME4- solid
MY FEELING: uplifted, expansive, happy
ENERGY/EMOTIONS: medium energy, reverence, glorious, inspired, love, compassion
MOTION: stationary
ME3 - slow, spinning, meandering, weaving
ENVIRONMENT: cool, windy, airy
ATMOSPHERE: serene, intense
ME3 - celebratory
CONCEPTS: glory, love, gratitude
PURPOSE: celebration, inspiration, appreciation, esteemed
PHONETICS/SONICS: wind, bird calls
ME3 - singing, drumming
P4 MATRIX DEDUCTIONS: a statue, monument, or structure
P4 MOVEMENT 1: From above target area SEE what is visible
P4 MOVEMENT 2: Move to the structure and determine if natural
P4 WORD STRINGS 1: wide area, patterns of squares or cubes, glowing yellow lights
P4 WORD STRINGS 2: Man-made object, very big, seen over great distances
P6 THINGS: mountains, hillsides, houses, people, candles, guitars, drums, flutes, brass instruments,
torches, colorful lights, banners, food, drink
P6 ENERGY/EMOTION: medium energy
joyful, peaceful, happy, good will, loving, hopeful
TELEPATHIC: Celebrate life and all the wonders it reveals.
P6 MOVEMENT 1: Move to center area and SEE
P6 MOVEMENT 2: Move to primary structure and describe
P6 WORD STRINGS 1: much activity, many moving shapes
P6 WORD STRINGS 2: man-made, solid, towering, dominating
THEMES: event, celebration, ancient, modern
TYPES: artificial structure, natural scene, water, land, human,
I FEEL: The target scene makes me want to dance, sing and join in the celebration.
PSS: My session started with the feeling it was night in a cool, unenclosed, wide open area. I sensed a warm target that was both wet and dry and rigid and flexible. I detected flat, penetrable and changing surfaces that were between coarse and smooth to the touch. The sound level was high in a scene which contained objects some of which were alive and moving, and others which were built and stationary. My AI was of something traditional that made me happy.

Initially I detected a sound that seemed to be of a steady wind; however, after the ME3 in phase 6, I also detected sounds that were rhythmic, thrumming, humming, drumming and of singing. There was a fresh, sunny smell with hints of smoke. After the ME3, I detected an aromatic smell, like incense burning. At first, I detected tastes that were pungent and dry. Following the ME3 I also got tastes which were fresh and wet, with a mix of sweet, salty and tangy. I felt a temperature which was cold, chilly and dry and then, after the ME3 I sensed warmth too. I got the impression of surfaces that were hard, rigid, solid and built which were slippery and cold with textures that were a mix of rough and smooth, dry and slick The ME3 brought in other surfaces that were soft, natural and flexible -- some with textures that were silky and others that were cloth-like. Initial verticals were high, tall and steep and after the ME3 I detected others which were short and squat. Horizontals were flat, wide, open and thick. I got the impression of a large, dominating object that was solid, thick, substantial and immovable and after the ME3 I also sensed something that was normal sized and mobile. I got the impression of a vast, spread out, open, airy, natural and unenclosed outside space which, after the ME3, also contained a populous element. The inside space seemed tight, hollow, dark and empty initially but following the ME3, I also sensed an inside space that was lighted and crowded. My AI was of something with clean lines that made me feel balanced. The target gave me the impression of a single, very large object in a high, open unenclosed windy space/place which commanded attention.

Visually, I detected colors of blues, violets, purples, blacks and whites that were in a high, stark contrast caused by a glowing yet shadowed twilight luminosity. After the ME1 I also detected yellows and following the ME3, I detected reds, pinks and oranges in a low, patterned and blended contrast. My first impression of materials was of stone and wood. Then the ME1 brought in vegetation, soil and water. The ME3 added skin, cloth, glass and incense to the mix and finally the ME4 added paint and plaster. Structurally, my initial impression was of something intricate, tall, towering, huge and solitary. After the ME1 I sensed other structures that were complex, with shapes of cubes, columns and rectangles. The ME3 added geometric shapes and the ME4 added solidity to one or more of the structures. The feeling the target gave me was of being uplifted, expansive and happy. I detected a medium energy level accompanied by emotions of reverence and glory, love, compassion and inspiration. Initially I sensed a stationary motion but after the ME3 I also detected a slow, spinning, meandering and weaving motion. I got the impression of a cool, airy and windy environment with an atmosphere that was serene and intense; and then a celebratory element came through after the ME3. Concepts that I sensed from the target were glory, love and gratitude the purpose of which was to generate esteem, inspiration, appreciation and celebration in the participant. While I didn't detect specific phonetic sounds or sonics, I continued to get the impression of wind and some bird calls and the ME3 added singing and drumming. The Phase 4 deduction that came to mind was of a statue, structure or monument which I assumed was wrong and I used the "Clear Deductions" Mental tool to neutralize and off-load it before moving into the Phase 6 data mining section.

In Phase 6, the probing of my symbols detected mountains, hillsides, houses, people, colorful lights, candles, torches, banners, food, drink, guitars, flutes, drums and brass instruments for Things. Non-things I sensed were singing, chanting, praying, joy, celebration and dancing. Phase 6 energy level was medium with emotions of joy, peace, happiness, good will, love and hope. The telepathic message I heard was, "Celebrate life and all the wonders it reveals."

The themes I sensed were of an event or celebration of something either ancient or modern. The types I detected were of an artificial structure in a natural scene which included water, land and humans. The target scene made me want to dance, sing and join in the celebration.

After reviewing the session data, my initial impression was of a single, large and dominating object that seemed to be man-made and situated in a high, open and unenclosed area that generated an AI of something with clean lines which made me feel balanced.  This was supplemented with the additional impressions of a celebration involving musical instruments and generating the emotions of good will, happiness and love that produced in me a feeling of being uplifted, expansive and happy and causing me to want to participate by dancing and singing myself.  It seemed to me that what I was sensing was a large crowd of people surrounding a single, large and dominating object or structure in a spacious outside area, possibly an artifact or some cultural object or monument that is revered  by people in that geographic location.  When I combine this with the concepts I detected of glory, love and gratitude which seemed to generate esteem, inspiration and appreciation, my conscious mind led me to the deduction that I was sensing an ancient, possibly religious structure.  However, with the prevailing impression of a celebration, complete with the types of musical instruments I detected – guitars, flutes, drums and brass instruments – I am lead to believe that if it is indeed an ancient or religious edifice of some sort, it’s probably not located in a Western country.


As you can see, seeing in the way ABS trains is orders of magnitude beyond the embarrassingly limited human senses. 

Get on it, Guys! We need your help in building this bridge.

We should also take a sec to congratulate our newest graduates, Cherie and Shaun, who have had the immense honor and distinction, and prestige, and otherworldly experience, and powerful teaching, in visiting Xupra. Give them a shout out, please?

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  • Congrats Cherie and Shaun!!!!!


  • Cherie and Shaun, a warm and hearty huzzah! to you both! And a hand to heart acknowledgement of you, your determination, and your "line of sight" surrender.


  • What a truly magnificent session!  3 cheers to the person that this belongs to!  And most certainly....Congratulations to Cherie and Shaun!  Hurray!

  • Thanks for this, Jason. Very helpful. 


  • Yeah, I left the Coordinates and Name fields blank. If the person who did this session would like to step forward, I'll leave it up to her ;-D 

    Shelly Merk said:

    What a truly magnificent session!  3 cheers to the person that this belongs to!  And most certainly....Congratulations to Cherie and Shaun!  Hurray!

  • No pressure....ha ha....but, please step forward and take a bow!  You deserve it!  WOW!!!!

  • Cherie and Shaun, welcome. Thanks for helping the circle to grow. Much Love Doe

  • Wow... what an amazing session.  Congrats to Shaun and Cherie too!!  Bravo

  • Cherie and Shaun,

    Just beautiful my friends.

  • A word of encouragement if you are struggling with ABS......

    I started the ABS training (it was called something else then) when Jason first introduced it.  We were doing it by hand on paper.  I'm not sure any of us knew the magnitude or impact this would have on the future of TSB project.  Being a rebel by nature, it was a big challenge for me to follow the proper protocol (directions).  I turned it into something it was NOT....a test!  I would get all stressed out about it.  Dragging my feet, whining, finding excuses blah, blah, blah.  Waiting way too long between sessions just complicated this fabricated drama.  Once the format was put on the computer (to make it easier for us) I got even more freaked out!  I can remember "crying like a baby" with just the thought of doing it!  What was wrong with me?  Everyone else was flying through the course with ease.  Producing beautiful sessions like the one above.  I dug my heals in, determined to do this.  Determined to get over myself.  It took some time, as others passed me by.  After awhile I just didn't care anymore....BINGO!  I finally produced something that was "real data"...for the first time I got the feeling of "proper mindset"!  I don't think there are any real mistakes that can be made with ABS.  For me it was a matter of "how hard" did I need or want to make it.  Silly!  Anyway...I finally made graduation.  And you can too!


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