The war within

As something I deal with myself, I wanted to post about this to bring in some alternative perspectives and see if we align in any way and find solutions to any problems that we face.

Throughout my life, I've eventually fought with enough people to realize that I'm only fighting with myself. I still can't escape that, since most people I encounter do not realize the same things about themselves or this world in the same way that we do.

It is such a weird position to be in. I feel like a kindergarten teacher everywhere I go.

How does one live in this world and keep balanced, grounded, and attuned empathically to everyone else?

How do we heal people when we have to pull them kicking and screaming to the other side?

I feel like a prosecutor calling out evil and injustice wherever it exists.

It that our role? To accuse, judge, and reveal?

How else will people learn the truth?

It's just very difficult to bridge the gap between our worlds.

We know what is right, but it seems like we are very few and far between in this world. It is certainly off-track and very few engineers are correcting course. Nobody freaking cares anymore. It's so sad. This world is deeply spiritual and healing for those that care.

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              • Greetings, Paisios! I know you've been busy with school. I can help a little bit on what you have missed from the videos. I will focus on the moon. The moon has  matrix generators that used to be powered by 12 nuclear reactors. Only 4 are still working. It was built a long time ago, and it's just old. The Arcturans are supposed to be fixing the reactors but I suspect that this is not their intent. These generators are what has been pulling the wool over our eyes.

                When the generators fail, the Earth will go back to it's original 5D state. Our galaxy is 5D unless planets are modified in this way. When this failure occurs, 9 million people will probably want their money back. Anyway, there is a lot at stake, and a lot of concerned parties, rebel or federation. My own personal advice is to just enjoy the ride! :)

                I can't speak to your specific questions but just wanted to give you some takeaway from the videos. Also, your bold text and underlining appear just fine for me.


                • Oh thanks for answering Michael! 

                  I assume this information is from the videos.

                  I'm finished for the summer, I got enough time to catch up! I will check the videos in due time, promise. 

                  • I can't remember what is from where. Galactic Messages is the most fun to watch (truly awesome production value), but it all comes from the Cosmic Agency YouTube channel - which is what those five videos at the top are, I think. I would start with all of that and then poke around their YouTube channel for whatever piques your interest.

                    All of the Swaruu women are brilliant but pay attention to anything Yazhi  says. She looks like a little girl but serves as advisor to the Queen. Also, Aneeka died last November for those who didn't know.

              • P, the entire moon is a machine, a ship, actually. It was deliberately built and placed where it is to become the governing mechanism for the 3D spectral bandwidth. There is nothing good about it other than it's pretty at night. For example, it regulates women's cycles as one of its slave-making modes. Its darkside doesn't have the holographic projection of a moon face, but is the machine, plain as day. From a distance, it just looks like a city. The asteroid pock-marked hologram facing us is hilarious to begin with. Look through some binoculars at it and ask yourself, how is it that the bombardment of asteroids and meteors all came in at 90 degrees to the plane and blew concentrically outward from there? None, not even one, came in at anything but right angles. 

                This was the Federation being lazy in their hologrpahic design, or was just another way of saying, these creatures are too stupid to notice the scientific impossibilities. Nuclear weapons are a prime example of that. They're not possible, but the propaganda was put to excellent use to create longstanding global fear. Why hasn't anybody ever wondered how Hiroshima and Nagasaki were being rebuilt within months, when they should have been uninhabitable for more than 1000 years? See what I'm saying? The hypnosis machines are incredibly good at what they do. Gravity is another fine example. Einstein was a cutout stand-in, and was used to promote pseudo science that would be upheld to keep everyone in a perpetual state of confusion. There are many problems with the way it's presented. 

                That science has never brought up the uniformity of moon impacts is an indication of how thoroughly science is owned by the same folks who own the moon machine. 

                In any event, if you want to be up to speed, you do have to watch all of the videos I've suggested. Michael's already answered the question, but this is the fact. Those machines will cease to function by 2050, probably earlier. And it's entirely possible the mass disincarnation measure will be deployed before then. If "they" just let it run its course, they'll fail and you'll have a phasing out of 3D, which could be catastrophic, mainly because they'd splice in a near ELE as the cover storyline to salve the fragile psyches of both real and fake people.

                The biggest problem with that is, on exopolitical levels, there would be a massive refugee problem for the Federation to handle, and their bureaucracy is even more wasteful, befuddled, in denial (for the incredible mess they've made) and ineffective that Earth's. 

                • I'm just here to make sure this goes well beyond an insinuation, the near ELE event of the moon-ship destruction has to be a WW3. Although there are multiple plans in place, this one is the most likeable for loose ends- narrative-weaving. Either that or something completely ridiculous like an 'oops planets self destruct'.

                  If thoughts about WW3 consume you with fear then indeed learning more about your metaphysical position in the matrix will ameliorate this fear. If these last lines are ignored and the fear proves unpacifiable, then 'fearful response' was a role defining character trait... If fear is had then not enough metaphysical understanding was in place.

                  I have additional insights to share about h-people and ourselves:

                  - H-people have another person at their core on whom they've built their major personality traits either in opposition or in agreement. Their deepest exhibited emotional release comes from this person- creator: either by healing or bad-mouthing. There is never true neutrality and thus they will always be out of balance pertaining this one relationship with their creator. Some times their creators might even spawn afterwards to their adult lives, many parents are h-people, many politicians are h-people also -- don't forget that linear time does not exist for the incarnating soul. H-people are there for a reason, they are integral to the progression of the plot and when enmity is aimed at them, a careful consideration of their creator should be had. 

                  Dunno really, we shall see!

            • Man, that was awesome! I totally see your point now, and some new stuff. Also, Adam, I forgot to mention that ACIM really doesn't have any answers, it's a tool - at least I haven't seen any so far. It points out a few mindsets and looks at those from every possible angle. It's a lot like brainwashing - not for everyone! I just like brainwashing myself.

              And yes to everyone reading this, JD just dropped some mad science. Read it carefully. The h-folks returning to help their creators is pure genius. I see why you like this concept. It increases the epicness of the story/movie.

              • The answers surround us in everything, always, so use whatever you need. We'll become whatever we need to be in each passing moment, just doing the next right thing.

                Know what I meme, Mikey?


      • Most definately, I have suffered a lot of abuse and perceived an emotionless reality as psychopath for the largest portion of my late-teen and adult life.

        I've suffered many beatings, persecution without knowing why,  and a lot of isolation from everyone. No parents, no friends, no self - only ego. 

        Demons came in my sleep and introduced themselves, in fact, a friendless person such as would only find solace in the friendship of the shadows. Using the occult I could tip the tides and show myself as a greater being than anyone else who lacked metaphysical knowledge. In fact, my rational mind due to years of psyschopathy was greatly evolved as i only had logic to entertain me. In my tool of weapons, my logic was used to justify other people's inferiority and dissimilarity to me. This further intensified the loneliness i felt to my core.

        I have both seen and felt the fruits of my ego and I was at first bored and then tired of it. Everyone can tick you off and it is never their fault for ticking you off. Part of your power is understanding deeply that your reactions are your authority, if that is so, why shan't all your reactions be of the best pleasure in life, love. 

        I will advise not casting ACIM to the trash, but be certain that it is the book that selects you.  I have seen the fruits of ego and willingly surrendered myself, but for me to reach the point to even seek out ACIM, i had to go through all the major religions of the world while holding fast unto a set of my buddhist meditations.

        It's possible to be completely healed and even free of suffering - i am certain!

        I don't know if I will achieve Enlightnement through ACIM or even if that is possible.

        But rest assured, it will help you if you ask its counsel. But you have to take its ideas at heart and assume it is an authority on the matter; it's your own self speaking to you.

        Ιt's always your own self speaking to you, even when you take the form of my words on the screen. 

        My words are here for a reason, your ideas are there for a reason also, what will that reason be I wonder?

        Probably for the best. The outside world is merely a projection of your own internal workings. You can't find what sort of person you are alone just like the eyeball can't see the brain, but you can infer who you are based on what you see on others. Observe yourself

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