Jason you brought up this word last evening.I was wondering if you could elaborate on your perception of the word Soul.If we are One what does soul really mean.I have had many discussions with my mystery school teacher about this word.It is my understanding that the word or perception of soul is not what we perceive or keep getting told it is.Could you comment on this.Thanks....or anyone else also.Love these discussions.
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The problem with answering questions authoritatively when all of Creation is a simulation, and everything in that simulation is a product of your own perception arising from within the depths of your own infinitely deep psyche, is that with this awareness, nothing you can say sounds true. It always sounds like BS. But I wrote this anyway. Then I looked at it again and was disgusted that it took that many words. I almost capitulated and was just going to write, “Whatever you deem to be true, is true,” but a voice said “No, Jason, irrespective of your consciousness, there are some who need to hear it.” So, here it is.
Since expanding on everything in this writeup is what The Superbeings is going to do, I'm going to point to this post. So, if you are reading this without having read The Superbeings Project Outline, perhaps you should do that first.
I don’t count myself a bigtime authority, but I do recognize the knowledge that is awakening from inside of me, and of that there can be no question…for me at least. This could be elementary information for many of you. I’ll say what I’m going to say using the word “you” (Marsha) but this just means all of us. Forgive me for going into as much detail as I do, but it’s important to understand that answering the question posed in this thread is to transcend the falsity of this 3rd density experience, which is precisely what The Superbeings is about.
Although I think it’s changing, one of the great misconceptions is people believing they have a soul, individual to them, born eons ago as an individual “child of God” or whatever, whereas your “soul” is in actuality a being of incomprehensible immensity, with contiguous lifestreams having various levels of experience in multiple densities in millions of continua. Even though it may seem there are individuals in the fullness of Creation, there really aren’t.
In short, you share a soul with many people here in The Superbeings, and many people on Earth, into the tens of thousands, or more. This being apportioned tiny “wisps” of itself to “inhabit” this incredible variety of forms, forms that vary from mere breaths of energy to quite dense, like the form here on Terra (or Earth – I’m compelled to start using more accurate terms).
So when people wonder why they can’t do this or that, or be this or that, on superbeing levels, or why they’d have chosen this, the answer is because this is what this version of you is doing, quite deliberately and willingly, while millions of other yous are doing and being other things, including creating galaxies, levitating in a garden somewhere, thinking itself across a universe in the blink of an eye, etc. While you have this “memory” inside you of those yous and their capabilities, and therefore might want their “lives,” just remember that those yous might envy your being in this dense and brutal plane experiencing an unique galactic event. Recognizing this powerful fact goes a long way towards accepting what IS, and even moving to Pure Joy with what IS. (Pure Joy can be HUGE in Superhuman abilities on this plane, which we’ll get to as we go along.)
We spoke to a pretty high level mind years ago, long enough ago that I myself still thought “higher self” meant what most still think it means. The entity said something like, “The human conception of this is flawed. The only higher self is God.” In that moment I got a transfer of information. Suddenly I recalled more of what I am. This is what came to me. There is God, and there are Its pieces which together comprise the whole of Creation’s Puzzle, and each of Its pieces exist to transduce energy and information for use on the various levels of density through web-like threads of multiple selves, all sharing a single soul, or for me, Mind.
So, you’re a 6th density entity who volunteered to take part in the Great Harvest we’re in the midst of. That 6th density entity is itself thousands of times too much energy for this local body to flow or contain, and the Soul/Mind you both share is thousands of times too much energy for its 6th density “pseudo-body” to flow or contain. So as we’ve all read somewhere and some way or another, you could say the 6th density you is one of the step-down web-thread connection points between “Soul/Mind” and the you piece here on Terra presently reading these words.
As a 6th density entity which came here to help, you are a “member” of a social memory complex that has traversed the densities through the evolutionary cycle up to the 6th density. But your Soul/Mind itself has “members” in every density level matriculating through the full cycle of evolutionary experience, including higher than the 6th. Indeed, your Soul/Mind has pieces of itself in social memory complexes that have vanished long ago into the unfathomable mysteries of 8th density and beyond, and which might also make an appearance here to help complete this transition.
As a 6th density entity, you (meaning you, Marsha) imprinted yourself with many “past” lives on Terra, and in that way became a discrete lifestream associated by experience with this planet, but not being indigenous to this planet, nothing of it will stick to you (karma). You lose all this once away from the body, but the truth is that nothing will be left if you continue using the alchemy. Karma is ultimately an obsolete idea, by the way, for those of us who are not indigenous to Terra.
Another example are the 5th density beings who are here to help. This is the level New Age belief ascribes to Ascended Masters. Remember that Ascended Masters are in a social memory complex that have graduated to the 5th density cycle of evolutionary experience, and that’s pretty much it. An incredibly expanded state of being as compared to our sorely limited perceptual scope, but still just evolving. There has been all this talk about Ascended Masters and that being a pinnacle of experience, but it is hardly that. This is why all the fiction was produced by the controlling faction in the early 1900s, such as a lot of the I AM and St. Germain stuff: to convince people that the pinnacle of experience is to raise this individual self, to Ascend, this body to 5th dimensional paradise, thus starting to guide advanced spiritual thinking on a mass scale towards self, which actually reinforced separation thinking. The truth is that this body has pretty much nothing to do with anything apart from being a point of access for non-3rd density frequencies and codes, which we’ll get to below. The truth is also that many who are called Ascended Masters are in bodies right now, most of them absolutely clueless as to what they are, which includes drug addicts, Catholic Priests (a choir boy’s worst nightmare), serial killers, Spanish Inquisitors (also serial killers), US Presidents (also serial killers), and world conquerors (also serial killers).
If someone here has an experience with an Ascended Master, it’s probably that they’ve conjured the extraordinarily limited scope of the experience from within their own psyche, thus seeing, once again, only what they want to see. And even if it were a “legitimate” experience, they’re still possibly just experiencing their own 5th density self. So again, you came here to do this, while the 5th density you is doing…well…whatever it’s doing. The Cosmic comedy of that thought is that so-called Ascended Masters are the first who would tell you you’re producing them through thought.
Here I’ll take from a blog comment I made but don’t think many saw. But first I’m going to reiterate that what might be inflammatory for some is how much I’m going to be referring to Jesus. And again the reason for this is because I have pretty direct and increasing access to what he was and how he did what he did and became what he became. This might be because he’s a pretty ideal example of the ceiling of possibility on this 3rd density plane, pushing beyond the programmed strictures of physical laws, like gravity. There have been many like him, with every bit his ability, but none that I have such direct access to in terms of an individual. What I mean by that is that Jesus himself had access to others like him, since the Christ Consciousness has been achieved by many for the past 75,000 years. Many of you might have access to others that achieved his level while in 3rd density bodies, and if so let’s get talking about it.
The soul is thought of as spirit, but “spirit” is just an inverted conceptual framework. Spirit in fact is just another specie of thoughtform, just as our bodies are. What we’ve been programmed to recognize as “spirit” is actually what’s real, or maybe better said, “mostly free of living according to hallucination.” The trick to achieving enlightenment is deliberately living in moment-to-moment awareness that everything is an hallucination, dream-matter, no matter what density you’re perceiving from within. So the Soul/Mind isn’t an inhabiting spirit so much as it is what you are, and what you are wants nothing more than for you to achieve and understand that you're the phantom, while it's the real and tangible thing imagining YOU for one reason only, experience. So for purposes of same-pageness let's rename “Soul/Mind” to "Realself." Realself wants you to do everything possible to let it bloom into this holographic continuum using the vessel you, falseself, and it, Realself, together created as the access portal. To get your attention, it’ll do almost anything, including crash your car, make you sick or throw you down a mountain.
The 6th density you piece of this puzzle is another such way to facilitate this blossoming, as this being, still a discrete individual even though it is a drop in a social memory complex thoughtform ocean composed of thoughtforms, perceives, or can perceive, hundreds of thousands of times, or millions, as much as the you reading these words. It might be useful to know that the 6th density you can perceive what every other fellow drop in its social memory complex ocean perceives if it wants to. In that alone you can kind of see the potential immensity of perception you have within your DNA. Can you imagine being able to know simultaneously the thoughts of several billion entities?
We’ve all encountered this. When someone going through a bad time says to you, “Why would I choose this?” And you have to answer, “You did.” And they say, “Why don’t I remember making this choice?” And the shortest answer to that is “Because you don’t remember what you are, but you inevitably will.”
Anyway, for whatever reason I’m being led inexorably to superhuman capabilities, some of which I already have and use, as you know, and this very discussion has everything to do with that. In other words, de-emphasizing the being you see in the mirror while simultaneously emphasizing Realself is a technique, and that brings understanding of what this thread started out calling “soul.” Superhuman capabilities are not that big a deal, as we all know, because there are thousands of shaman in jungles and monasteries all over the world who can already do what we count as superhuman. For all I know there is some part of me that still wants to be Superman. When I was a kid I’d wear a towel wrapped around my neck fastened with a wooden clothespin to be my Superman cape, and run around the house with my arms out in front of me making whistling-flying sounds. And now I’m just leading myself to something a childish me wants, thus the universe is just doing what it always does…giving me everything I want to see. A fun movie which illustrates this point to an astonishing degree is “Griff The Invisible.”
But the thing is is that I’m gaining an understanding that is hard to explain. So we’ll use Jesus in allegorical ways. Jesus reached a level of Realself blossoming from within that he saw how I see. That this body means absolutely nothing. In fact everything in this world, of which this body is a part, means absolutely nothing. It is a temporary sentience-experiential “abode” for Realself, and in that respect alone the body is in fact a Temple to “house” this being and is the only reason to treat it as such. This is where alchemy has always factored in, because alchemy slices through the programming of the system itself and turns the body into a mechanism that flows 10,000 times more information than a body without it, and it does this through a physical process, that of bio-conduction of ever wider light spectra through the use of highly specialized elements, themselves deposited here in this continuum for that very purpose.
I’m remembering more and more how Jesus did this, and in addition to what we’ve already implemented here in the Superbeings, we’ll be starting some more systematized thinking and practices that if followed will lead to some pretty stunning abilities. One of those systems already in place is the Suprasensory System Training, which is going to be a requisite for gaining certain abilities, so if you’ve been dragging your feet on it, get going. I have a feeling that the alchemies will be required to get there. Monatomic iridium has anti-gravitational properties, and you can’t just meditate that stuff into your molecular structure. I know that they are entirely responsible for me reaching the level I have. We’re what Jesus meant when he said “Greater things than I have done shall ye do.” It’s a method of using your mind in a certain way, and that certain way has everything to do with being free of programmed thought, which gives way to Realself thought. It’s thinking from Realself’s perspective, and that includes knowing you are the same as everything else, composed of the same stuff, just a different digital configuration.
When the rapturous zeal of belief/faith, a very powerful energy, branches into knowing, we have reached that pinnacle of effortlessness. There is a shaman in Siberia who travels thousands of miles in just hours through the snow because he can switch his perceptual scope to see the snow as something entirely different than the way we see it in the typically programmed way. For him snow is an energetic conduit that isn’t even cold, so he is seeing it in its 4th or 5th density forms, as an example.
It’s like it was saying in The Matrix: In order to make the huge jump between the two buildings, you have to know you can, and this is achieved by freeing the mind of programmed thought, in which the illusion of distance, and the fear of falling, exist. Only falseself is capable of fear. So it’s about knowing.
For us, it can be distilled down to this statement: “Knowingness is the merger of Infinite Mind with local mind into the same event.” And so it wasn’t Jesus who walked above (yes, above, not on) water, but Realself who walked above the water through Jesus, and this wasn’t Jesus’ choice. He didn’t choose to do this – Realself did and Jesus’ body and brain simply participated in the event. He saw the body and the Jesus self as absolutely beside the point other than as the conduit for Realself. All the small physical Jesus had ultimately accomplished was to get open and clear enough, to diminish emphasis on falseself enough, to know when Realself, or Infinite Mind, called for the event to take place.
Jesus’ word for “Realself” was “Father,” thus his famous statement, “Of myself I can do nothing. It is the Father who does all the work.” This was just him deliberately shifting emphasis from falseself to Realself, in effect telling the truth in answer to a question, “Jesus, how do you do these things?” Answer: “I am nothing. I don’t matter. Realself is doing all this.”
This is really important stuff to understand. There was an informal poll years ago that I haven’t been able to locate anything about. I read about it in maybe 2011 thinking I’d be able to find it again. It was taken among New Agers. The question was this: “If you found out that in order to achieve the Ascension you had to stop being you, you had to let everything about yourself go, including your gender, would you still want to do it?” An astonishing 80% said “No.” This very clearly illustrates how effective the controlling faction has been in getting even those who are allegedly awake to put all their emphasis on self, identity, ego.
This brings us to free will. Sure, you have free will, but only to make the wrong choice, where wrong choices are all made for the sake of enriching experience. See what I mean? Does a flower choose where each petal shall spring forth? No. This is done according to Natural Law, and the flower doesn’t have to choose anything to become all it is intended to be. So the flower IS its Realself acting things out on this plane. So, instead of it being about choice, it’s about acting out the decision already made by Realself. This is the very definition of getting out of your own way, the “your” being Realself.
This is why Eastern Thought has always talked about recursive thinking, choosing, trying, striving, all that, because it is only falseself who does those things and therefore keeps itself trapped by what it believes it doesn’t have and must strive towards. Western Thought has placed such an emphasis on getting ahead, making a living, getting the bills paid, that it has engendered a HUGE fear of letting go and crossing the threshold to the place where those things don’t matter. A woman years ago was seeking solace from me, and her strife had to do with having no money. She was afraid that she and her children would be living in the street. Because people tend to disbelieve that incomprehensibly immense beings are blossoming from within bodies here at this time, I decided to use Jesus to help her instead of referring to myself for the thought.
“Do you know what Jesus would tell you?”
“That you and your children would be a million times better off starving in the gutter than to remain dependent on the falsity of money.”
“No way. How could that be?”
“Because you would therefore willingly be overcoming a fear, choosing faith instead, and in doing that crossing the threshold to a way of being where all is provided effortlessly, according to need, which you yourself aren’t to decide. This is the act of detaching from limitation and becoming cleansed of lower forms of belief.”
“That is just irresponsible. No way did Jesus say or think that. I can’t believe you think that.”
“Just read everything he said. You’ll find it. He would also tell you your children aren’t really your children, and your parents aren’t really your parents. That those are also just things to be attached to.”
“Then he’s as irresponsible as you are.”
We never spoke again. Alas, you can lead someone to the Fountain, but you can’t make them drink.
One last thought. Atoms are the basic unit of construction of what we mistakenly refer to as “carbon matter.” Around the nucleus of the atom is the orbiting cloud of electrons, which themselves are partially the determinant of what type of “carbon matter” comprises given things. If you were to enlarge the nucleus to the size of a baseball, the orbiting cloud of matter-forming electrons would be four miles away. This means that you, and everything else, are 99.99999999% space. And while spirit isn’t composed of atoms at all, but a different thought-produced unit of “organized form,” it nevertheless is no more nor less space than you are. Spirit, for all we know, is even less space than we are.
That being the case, then exactly what are you sitting on? You think that’s air you’re breathing? Transcending that consensus programming, conditioned thought, is how you learn to pass your hand through a stone wall.
Anyway…I’ve yammered on enough. Off with the masks!
Super happy you asked this question above as I love the refresher course and then putting it all in the bigger context of the most recent "unlearnings" as it were. It's massive stuff and very freeing to understand.
I talk to many folks who are quite worried about what they are doing in their life. Examples might be Are they doing ENOUGH?" Is it the right thing? Are they making the "wrong" choice?
I like this part a lot. I copied and pasted below from Jason's post.
This brings us to free will. Sure, you have free will, but only to make the wrong choice, where wrong choices are all made for the sake of enriching experience. See what I mean? Does a flower choose where each petal shall spring forth? No. This is done according to Natural Law, and the flower doesn’t have to choose anything to become all it is intended to be.
So that means that there is NO WRONG CHOICE. It is just a choice and wrong is simply a label we give something. Because everything functions to serve and further the all. No matter what. There are so many other parts of this post that are important.
Does anyone have any aspects of this post that they are struggling to wrap their mind around? Does it confirm some suspicions? Can you use it for your own life? Anything stand out in particular for discussion? this article is FILLED WITH VIBRATIONS. My whole body heated up while reading it. WOW.
I can respect this take, but the things that I said he would say are what he said all of the time, almost non-stop. When he fed people he did it while talking about how they had it within themselves to do those works, and that they'd have to let go of worldly things, including perceived need, in order to remember how to do them. The teachings were FAR more important than the demonstrations, which subverted the learning of those for whom he was doing them, making them dependent on people like him. In short, he'd have fed them AND given the lecture, which is what I'd have done if the woman hadn't been 1400 miles away. His two main imperatives for teaching: 1) love, 2) wake them up to the fact that this world isn't even real, and that to remain attached to its lower forms keeps the people right where they are. I could literally go on for days on the things he said and why he was saying them, but I've decided to take a different tack. I can see that people are still just plain asleep, and so it's time to focus back on that since that is Step 1 to superhuman abilities.
Jene said:
Hey, it might be splitting hairs, but the "next experience" to which you refer has nothing to do with you, Chris, but everything to do with Realself and the experience IT requires. Once Chris is done, he's done, and his experience is added to the entire corpus of experience of The All. However, the Earth story is finished, so there is really no subsequent life experience stuff happening here. We're here to get a job done, and you're one of us. Have you had a chance to read The Superbeings Outline yet?
Oh, and WELCOME!
Chris haslam said:
Oh My...thank-you Jason.I delight in this discussion and explanation.I will need to read this a few times to absorb all the peices but the essence sits well with me.Yes I Love Jesus and his messages and you speak of these also in their truth.i used to get so frustrated as a child in sunday school that they were missing the points totally in what Jesus was trying to teach.I Love Love Love these words and concepts and feelings as a result.Thanks to One and All.May the Blessings BE.
Jason Davis said:
LOVE LOVE LOVE this also Mary.So Happy to have people/spirits to bounce this around with and reassuring to be not alone in this process.Thank-you Superbeings.
Mary Betts said:
I like this part a LOT too:
This brings us to free will. Sure, you have free will, but only to make the wrong choice, where wrong choices are all made for the sake of enriching experience. See what I mean? Does a flower choose where each petal shall spring forth? No. This is done according to Natural Law, and the flower doesn’t have to choose anything to become all it is intended to be. So the flower IS its Realself acting things out on this plane. So, instead of it being about choice, it’s about acting out the decision already made by Realself. This is the very definition of getting out of your own way, the “your” being Realself.
Veeeery activating to read Jason's words here and definitely inspiring me to read The Superbeings Project Outline again.
Oh, and the part about the recursive thinking... hmmm... somehow I've managed to make that a puzzle in my life. About applying the bit about trusting, about "...overcoming a fear, choosing faith instead, and in doing that crossing the threshold to a way of being where all is provided effortlessly, according to need, which you yourself aren’t to decide. This is the act of detaching from limitation and becoming cleansed of lower forms of belief". Thank you. I want to let go. I am calling in the gravity to pull me, compelling me to let go, to cross the threshold.
I have so many powerful conceptual type things coming in to work with that we're going to be starting a true School of the Mysteries a la the Hermetic/Egyptian lineage. Letting go is going to become a HUNGER.
Molly Helene said: