Today is a Triple 9 Gateway or Portal

Today is known as the triple nine gateway or portal because it is the 9th day in the 9th month in a year whose individual numbers add up to 9 (2+0+1+6).  It is supposed to be a very powerful day.  This is a post of someone I follow on Facebook, Emmanuel Dagher:

"During the next 24hrs, on September 9th, 2016, we will move through a very powerful energy portal known as the triple 9 gateway.

September is the ninth month of the year and from the perspective of numerology, this date of September (9) 9th, 2016= 2+0+1+6=9, offers us the pinnacle of a powerful time of completion and new beginnings known as the 9.9.9.

Every pattern we've identified with, every behavior, belief, person, place, and experience that we have been engaging with will now come to the surface to be examined closely to see if they are something that can continue on with us on our journey, or if they are something that we can let go of once and for all at this time.

You may notice a lot of emotional triggers come up at this time as well, and they are coming up so that we can learn the lesson from them. Once the lesson is learned, these triggers will no longer be in our reality.

If you are finding yourself getting caught up in the 'story' of these emotions, they will feel more magnified and intense during this 9 cycle. This is because they just no longer have a place in the new heart-centered energies emerging and being prepared for us.

The key to moving through this time is to remember that whatever comes up, it's important not to get caught up in the reaction of it. We can feel into the triggered emotions, but we don't have to blame, judge or go into victim consciousness when they come up.

After the 9 always comes the 1. The 1 is all about creating a foundation to the kind of reality we'd like to create in the next 9 year cycle. This is often a time when new jobs, new homes, new travel, and new relationships begin.

So when we learn the lessons from our 9, the 1 is set to be a more expanded, whole, happy, fulfilling and abundant chapter of our lives.

Happy 9.9.9!"



9.9.9 Energy Portal.jpg

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  • 09/09/2016  =  999

      High energy for our planet again today.  Feeling this vibration in my body.  Just now I am laughing at the occurrence within my physical body; back of head at the neck area muscles which are contracting and the feeling that I’m to large for this physical body which I show/illustrate by odd movements and jay movements (not TMJ). The humor of this which has been ongoing for many months, is now I understand that these incidents are relative to the energy fluxes received and my body interacting with these.  Had Jason Davis not talked about his incident, I would not have put this together.  

       Shadow People; I am not sure if what I have experienced is “shadow people” or just a clearing of shadow events within my life structure.  But for me it has been more of a shedding of the people which are not of the same frequency and the inter actions relative to this releasing over the past 3 years.  I am anxious for the experience with the shadow alchemy.  This anxiousness i believe is me the 3D physical wanting to know if I have been successful in my removal process.

       Over the past 3 years I have daily worked towards being neutral with all events on this 3D level.  I strive to envision my 5D life within the New Earth.  These visions of this New Earth are pretty easy to maintain as time here goes by.  Although to some, I might appear to be in the clouds and not at all engaged in life as I walk through the 60 acres of trees and wildlife.  To think that I am isolated and not engaging in the pursuit of others to experience my changing process.   This is not accurate for me at this point of my experience.  The order of Alchemy is on its way to my body and even though these are in transit the events are amazing (Sunshine, Empathia and Shadow);  on its way I am feeling the effects.

       Thank you Jason for bringing forth the discussion Thursday Night about our awareness to detachments.  

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