Tybee Island Adventure

This is going to be a rather long story and thought it best to give it it's own thread.  It is one of mystery, magic, orchestration and the power of all the tools here at The Superbeings.

I will add to this thread in an order of events to assist in making sense of the whole thing.  

The Beginning....

My good friend and fellow Superbeing, Molly experienced an orchestration (she can tell you more) that landed her on the east coast for an extended stay.  I live in Pennsylvania and our other good friend and Superbeing, Sooz lives in North Carolina.  The 3 of us decided to get together as Molly started making her way back west.  Meeting first at my house it was to be a girls road trip!  The plan was solid and we all made the decision to DO IT!  

We started mapping our route as time drew near.  This is when the "jellyfish" really started becoming a roar in my mind.  It was very clear I needed to make a visit to the ocean at some point during this trip.  Why... I did not know! With time and distance it was decided I would visit the ocean alone after our girl trip concluded.  After looking at a map I "randomly" chose Tybee Island in Georgia.  It was a little less than a 5 hour drive from Sooz's place and then another 5 hour drive up to see my sister in Atlanta after.  Three days alone at the beach seemed perfect.  I set about choosing a place to stay.  I wanted a room that was close to and faced the ocean.  As I searched the web looking one hotel kept popping up.  It was expensive and a very unattractive building.  I booked it for 3 nights!

Sooz flew up to my house on 12/27 and Molly arrived the same day.  

The adventure began!

more to come......

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  • Fun fun fun (Dun dun duuuun)!
  • Together....

    After laying around my house for a couple of days we packed up and headed to Soozie's.  It was to be an 8 hour drive but turned into more like 12.  We hit 3 blizzards in Virginia slowing the traffic to 15 mph!  But we were determined and kept going.  Nothing was going to stop us from reaching our destination.  After 3(additional) traffic jams (bringing cars to a complete stop) we arrived tired but safe!  

    For 3 days Molly and I received the best healing EVER under the tender guidance and hands of our beloved Sooz.  It was just incredible the knowledge and tools this lady has at her disposal.  During the day Sooz would therapize and treatmentize us and at night we would watch "Trollhunter" on Netflix!  It was fabulous!  The morning of my departure arrived and I felt like a million bucks!  It was time for us to part ways and continue our journeys.  I was off to the beach and Molly headed to New Mexico.  Before leaving Sooz packed a "to go" kit with marvelous food and water.  Little did I know how important this would be!

    Driving in the blizzard...


    To be continued...

  • The Island...

    Native Americans, using dugout canoes to navigate the waterways, hunted and camped in Georgia's coastal islands for thousands of years. The Euchee tribe likely inhabited the island in the years preceding the arrival of the first Spanish explorers in the area in the 16th century. Tybee is the Euchee word for "salt".

    My drive down was pleasant and uneventful.  Alone with my thoughts (only the lady on my navigation system to talk to!) I started hoping for good weather.  The forecast had been looking a bit dismal.  I had my raincoat and mud boots with me and decided it wouldn't matter in any event.  The closer I got the louder the jellyfish.  There was an excited anticipation coming from this group that left me wondering what the heck was going on.  The thought occurred I might just be crazy!

    Crossing the bridge onto the island it was decided I should make a point of finding the Marine and Science Center located somewhere on Tybee.  Perhaps the answer for the jellies would be found there.

    Driving slowly through the little beach town the frequency changed.  Something felt odd...funky and very, very familiar!  It had this vibe like my home town.  NO WAY!   I told myself it was "off" season to explain it.

    The lady loudly commands a left turn onto 14th street pulling my attention back to driving.  I make the turn.. go around a bend and there is my hotel.  It's bigger and more ugly than the pictures.  Oh well...as long as I have a room with a view it will be fine!   I check in and head to the elevator loaded down with stuff.  Room #436 here I come.  The doors to the elevator close and I lean back for the ride up.  The first thing I see is a photograph on the wall (in the elevator) showing the history of Tybee Hotel.  My heart drops.  The two structures before the current one carry the same frequency as my historic home.  Big money built by bankers and politicians.  Tybee Hotel was the "IT" place to go back in the day.  I started to feel the original owners of my house might have been here or were perhaps investors when the hotel was built.  They too were bankers and politicians.  This kinda bummed me out.  I thought I was escaping from that vibe to the beach!!!!  And what does any of that have to do with the jellyfish?  I don't know.  I push the door to my room open and I see the water out the sliding doors!  AHHHHH!!!!!


  • Dropping my luggage I step out onto the balcony.  It's beautiful and refreshing.  I start to relax and just flow.  I feel the jellies relax also.  They know I'm here.  I start to survey the surroundings.  Looking to my right just a short walk down I see a building.  It's the Marine and Science Center!  Ha ha ha!  How did that happen?  Time to go explore......

    I take a walk down the beach and over to the Science Center.  They are about to close and will save that visit for the next day.  I'm getting hungry so I start looking for some where to eat.  As I walk that weird vibe starts to come back.  Something is not right here.  Much is closed for off season...but it's not that.  It's very ticky tacky run down and dirty.  It's like the businesses are making it...but barely.  Something is sucking the life out of this place.  The few restaurants open are filthy looking run down beach themed sports bars.  TV's blaring and greasy food.  I refuse to go in any of them and head back to my room hungry and on the verge of tears!  What am I doing here!!!!!!!!!!


  • I love this, keep it coming!

  • Thanks you Shelly for taking us on your road trip like this. Patiently waiting for more.

  • My spot....

    Back in my room I sit on the bed to collect my thoughts.  I rewind the chain of events thus far that had me drive 800 miles landing me in paradise with a low frequency.  Okay I think...I can handle this.  "They" know what they are doing.  I just need to be patient...flow...let it unfold.  After all...I knew before hand there was something weird with this hotel.  Even though it looked unappealing I knew it had to be the one I stay at.  The puzzle pieces had fallen neatly in place to get me here.  Relax, relax, relax.......

    My stomach rumbles loudly.  I spy the colorful lunch bag Sooz had packed.  Hurray!  I had forgotten she sent me on my way with such a loving gift.  I zip it open to find cheese, crackers, trail mix and apples!!!!  Fabulous.  Sooz just saved my life!  I shall take this down to the beach and have a beautiful feast!  Off I go.

    I decide to walk past the Marine and Science Center cutting over to the beach from there.  Turning left off the boardwalk 20 paces and I stop dead in my tracks.  I can't believe what I am seeing.  The symbology is sooooo in my face.  In front of me is a giant piece of driftwood.  Not just any old driftwood....THE driftwood from Xupra.  In the background is my hotel looking like the giant mouth of a cave.  You see...when I visit Xupra most times I exit the cave to find myself on an empty beach.  There is a piece of driftwood I sit on by the ocean to wait for my guide.  WOW...my spirits lift!  I claim this spot as MINE for the duration of this trip!  Time to dine.


  • Things get weird....

    I have a lovely dinner by the water.  The sun is going down and the beach is deserted.  I go back to my room to read and rest excited for the morning.  After just 2 chapters in the book I brought I decide I'm not liking it!  Dang...it was the only book I brought!  Tossing it to the side I fall into a deep sleep.

    I wake up at my usual 5 a.m.  Make coffee and go sit on my balcony to listen to the waves.  Suddenly a shadow catches my eye.  I watch it coming closer.  It's a person.  A woman.  She has on this funny stocking cap and is carrying a bag.  I can't see her face.  She scuttles along troll like stopping every so often.  I realize she is getting money from parking machines in the lot below my hotel.  Right below my room now under the light I get a better look.  She's tiny and all hunched over.  The hat hiding her face.  She's so fast! I watch her go and remember us girls watching "Trollhunters" at Sooz's.  I bust out laughing and name her the money troll!

    The sun starts to come up and both my bic lighters decide to run out at the same time.  Rats...have to go find a store that's open.  Coming out my hotel I meet a man that works at the hotel.  He's very nice and directs me to the Shell station a short walk down.  He tells me the weather is most unusual.  It's never this nice here this time of year.  Great!

    Walking over to the Shell station I'm thinking how perfect everything is unfolding.  The irritation of having to go buy lighters falling away.  I push the door open and enter the store.  The smell of incense heavy in the air and beautiful hindu mantras playing over the speaker.  The man behind the counter is doing his morning meditations/chants.  Lovely!  I take my time looking around so I can enjoy the music.  Paying for the lighters I express my delight to the shop owner.  Somehow this confuses him and grunts!  I walk out and remember I want to know what time the store opens in the morning.  There is no hours of operation on the door.  I go back in.  The man is facing away from me looking out the window where I had just been.  I ask him what time the store opens.  Nothing!  I make a noise to get his attention.  Nothing!  I get this weird feeling like he's not real.  He played his part in selling the lighters and that's it.  I leave....FAST!

  • Puzzle pieces....

    It's mid morning now and the Sun is up.  It's warm and breezy.  A bare foot walk on the beach sounds like a good idea.  Walking a long I notice (for the first time) a water tower in the distance.  Not sure how I was not paying attention to see it right away...but...I was seeing it now.  I could tell there was some stuff sticking out on top.  I decided to get closer to see what was going on.  It was pretty far away but I got close enough to see the sticking up things were antenna's for cell phones or something.  I didn't like it.  Since I had painted a water tower several months ago for my source code series I always focus when I see one.  I have never seen a tower that had these devices on them...EVER!  It just didn't feel right.  Maybe they were doing something weird to the water.  That might explain what's going on here.  I don't know.  I just did what I always do...super impose my painting over the top!  It's all about the water after all!



  • Spirited Away....

    Turning away from the water tower I started walking back.  Funny how I missed seeing this piece of wood on the way...but...I was seeing it now.  Mary had first told me about the movie "Spirited Away" a number of years ago.  I had never seen it but had tried several times to no avail.  The 15 year anniversary of this classic was showing for one day on my birthday this past December.  A friend took me to see it!  This felt like another confirmation (a gift) I was right where I needed to be.


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