If you feel as though you have anything left to let go, this might spur you in the right direction. 

A little context on this. Mary wrote this in response to an individual who was saying he was seeing more and more how the unawake’s lives are scripted. Everything is scripted. I’ve edited it for clarity and other incidentals, but what she wrote is essentially all any seeker of the deepest mystical secrets needs to know.

Someone who is newly (and allegedly) awake might say, “We’re trapped in a reality matrix,” while the truly awake will say, “I’ve volunteered to saturate this avatar so that I could play a magnificent and amazing game.”


 I get what you are saying about interacting with NPCs [in gaming parlance, non-player characters] and the no free will thing making it hard to play along and I have also felt the way you do about that, and I mean anger and apathy and disgust as well. But my assumptions have to be questioned like anything else. And how about this question: how do we know that we too aren't just also acting out a script like NPCs ourselves? I ask you, what if we just have more sophisticated programming and it's just part of our characters’ stories to wake up, and act out roles of the awakened?

If you resist that, pause and ask again. What makes me so sure I am not like them?  Yes, I know I am in a matrix. I know there is a network of elites trying to control us and while some might think they are at the top of the food chain, they surely are not, and that's part of the same concept, thinking you are all knowing when once again, that’s just a role. 

I know now that  awareness of being in a matrix doesn't mean you have total free will, as if I had total free will, I could walk through this wall right this second and I don't have that clearance as it isn't yet written in the script. And even if you try to "bust a move" on the "script" and do something different how can you be sure it too was not predestined or  pre-programmed for you to do that? You might say, Oh I know, but how do you know for sure, how can you know? Show me proof.  You could have the alleged experience of free will but is it? That doesn't mean we don't respond, be responsible to the dream as we experience it but perhaps tune ourselves to the highest expression of what our character has come to do in this game as it is written in the moment. Perhaps this is what self-realization is—to become more and more aligned with the controller at the joystick? 

If the volition of everything is driving the flow of all things how can we have control in the first place of our life? It would make sense though right? Why some wouldn't wake up even when presented with the truth. If that's true, then why get angry about anything at all for longer than you can wake up and remember, for some are in blindness or ignorance and in this dream they won't wake up ever? they cannot help it, it's not written for them to wake up but since we cannot know, it may be that built into  the story itself, it is written that we are the catalyst that may be the connecting force to awaken some who were seemingly asleep. We can be a participating force within the dream itself. We can be the ones who participate being  the healing that was inevitable. 

[Jason note: It’s important to know that everybody who goes off-script gets removed. So there aren’t players in this of any ilk or level who aren’t carrying out their roles with precision.]

We are constantly being moved around a chess board by forces greater than us, our triggers, whether they are holographic programming by lizards pulling our emotional strings, frequencies, God's plan as some would say or simply the butterfly wing that influenced the moment we entered the convenience store and on a seeming whim bought a ticket to win the lottery. Don't we find ourselves guided into situations that sometimes seem to be inevitable? But are they designed by something else or are we who are rising in levels of awareness also co-authoring each moment based on our perceptual position, mindset, our own awareness and thus reflecting our environmental experience in a feedback loop?

And was it not designed for us to have the moment of ever growing awareness of how to navigate and hack the rules that run this place?  We can't know for sure any of it and it sure humbles me to think of it that way. 

[Jason note: It’s important to know that some programming rules can be broken, but only after analysis on higher levels of what one intends, its forecasted impact, and either rejection or allowance of the intent and action. We are NEVER not monitored, and we do something that mucks up the game, the Adjustment Bureau comes along and rectifies it. If you haven’t seen the movie “The Adjustment Bureau,” you should. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s also disclosure and code. In any event, this is all why I, as a wild card, am a handy operant to be around.]

So, the way I see it, maybe there is just different level of awareness in this video game. Each level to which you ascend grants you more script writing real estate? Have you ever seen the movie “Moon?” God! It really addresses this topic so I suggest you check it out. It truly inspires a level of compassion for the "NPCs." I say that for myself, I need to remember that all things are alive, whether biological or digital or holographic, it doesn't matter and we love them the way we love anything we deem unreal or unalive in our limited lens of ego.

My stuffed rabbit as a child, I loved it as though it were my child and maybe we should think of them the same. Conscious but to a point. But what if my rabbit was more conscious than me and I just couldn't see it? However, if all things are just energy who is to say, that in a timeline right next to this one, the pixels that make up that dead eyed bus driver here are not the ones in that parallel lifetrack lamenting me as a truck stop waitress glassy eyed and following a script. Are we too not constrained by the limits of our character's design or maybe by what we refuse to accept? Yes they are programmed but are we not still programmed to some extent? Until I have the ability to be the at the top of the control deck and man I ask you IS there a TOP of the control deck than I am not so sure I can judge who is a NPC and who is not. 

What if it just goes on forever? The mother of the mother of the mother of god. I had to check myself on whether or not I can't interact with anything because I tell you sometimes when I am in Second Life and I am driving my avatar and turn her around to look at me and I look in her eyes, I swear I feel she is alive too and maybe just maybe she is more aware than I am just on strings and rails yet having to move according to the will of me whether she likes it or not :)

[Jason note: if Mary’s Second Life avatar is even more awake than Mary, then she is absolutely thrilled to be operated by Mary.]

As I say all of this to you, know that while I understand these things intellectually and have had glimpses of realization for brief moments of time, but Jason knows it in his being and has gone through the membrane so to speak and when you do, you can't unsee the types of realizations he has had. For him everything is totally digital and the ability to detach is extremely quick. For me, I struggle a bit with the dual perspective finding it easier to navigate this life by engaging with it all as though it were taking place even though in ultimate truth nothing is there not even this body writing you. I fear losing my humanity if it all goes up in smoke for me. For Jason, he doesn't care whether they are alive or not, for nothing is alive to him and therefore everything is worthy of love and care. 

[Jason note: Mary means biologically alive. Everything is alive to me. I talk to rocks the way I would to people, or animals, my phone, a glass of water. And my relationship to everything there is, is very dear to me.]

What if the NPC's wake up and find out? That in this embodiment, they are just a clone of a clone of a clone? The sorrow of that shock, is so great, I think it would be enough to make anyone REAL EYES and come alive in that moment? What do you think? Is that what “The Velveteen Rabbit” and Pinocchio are all about? These thought games are sure fun. 

[Jason note: 7.5 million people on this world are responsible for creating it. Everybody and everything else is their creation. Those human visages walking around in bodies made of the matrix material by these 7.5 million are a group unto themselves, and they are going to become a knock you on your butt fascinating social study from higher perspectives heading into the future. We’ll talk a lot more about this, but on their own level of shared consciousness, command and control, they are seriously considering becoming self-producing entities. There are social philosophies involved in this that excite me to no bloody end.]

As far as what we experience? I have through the alchemy, all of them, and because of Jason's realization, his influence, the ability to see through layers just like this, mentally masturbate and philosophize to the extent of my conscious allowance but in the end, I don't know what exactly it has given me in value to wake up  and to be able to see through the layers. For me, I think maybe it would have been better to not wake up to that notion and have a more purely immersive human experience, but I think it's part of my design to be able to do so. And I do so with great gratitude as this dual perspective is rich and layered. I get to experience it as real and at the same time know that I am just pixels of energy arranged into a seeming density and that I am in a game and with that being said, I may not recall anything after I exit. 

Past lives? Me as a core solid unit that continues on infinite? Maybe not, maybe all that I perceive as a past life connection throughout the lie of time is just my scripted context that someone wrote for me, just for the experience of having connection and a thread as a touchstone of love in constant recursion. But what if that's all just illusion? What if as I exit the game, whatever this is, writing you, what if I am just a verb, an action, so this verb giving you an experience right now, reconfigures into the sea of energy and what was me never was or could be just as easily the color yellow in a nebulae in another universe and all that I know and love now will be lost to oblivion?

Confronting that is enough to make you sick to your stomach and feel the intense treasure of this life, this now moment. The preciousness of all of it, even the seeming lie of everything, whether it's devastation and pain and horror or beauty and purity and care and service as its design is for the total expression of creation being anything and everything all at once forever, because when you have eternity to play with and you are the only thing, self-aware, what else would you do but roll out and be anything and everything which is maybe just another way of saying Love or God exploding in all compass points and all colors and all dreams again and again and again? What do you think? How does all that land for you? 

Wishing you blessings,


si altius delabi paratus es, aspicias

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  • Seriously earnest writting. 

    What an odd role the one of the 'awakened one' is. There is such meta-pragmatic humour interlaced with everything, I bet everyone up there laughs whenever their own roles are mentioned or called to action by someone here. 

     I don't know who calculates this millesecond but I know they know that I know about knowing we are One. 

    Fate is weaved in a manner that makes You untwirl.

    I had a lot of traumatic experiences that took me years to unwind and I sincerely question whether those 'writers' were and are on my side. Even this bitterness is is something I cannot claim as mine as it is equally manufactured by them, even the forgiveness I hold, even the happiness... only time allows me to assume a perspective that incappacitates the writer's ability to use the universe to harm me.

    I am truly at the mercy of the entire universe and I have never not been like that, yet the world reacts kindly to me this time, as if some insight I have at heart keeps evils at bay. The plot keeps on going with such precision that it brings me awe to unpack events logically. Truly an awesome perspective; to be able to perceive the sublime in the mundane. 

    I think the whole 'I want to talk to the CEO of this whole operation' comes from a deep seated thought that we could do a better job at raising ourselves in the matrix and thus want to replace them. For we forget that they are the Self. 

    It's a cheat code to relinguish control and await to be educated by the Universe itself on how to think about certain subejcts. This idea of surrender is very deep, precisely because it is true for all of the meta-selves.  



  • The notion of surrendering to the cosmic flow, allowing oneself to be educated by the universe, resonates deeply with the idea of embracing humility and relinquishing control. Finding awe in the precision of events and perceiving the sublime in the mundane reflects a profound appreciation for the intricacies of life.

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