Vitality Building Exercises

I just wanted to include some fantastic exercises that have been wonderful to rebuild and keep the vital forces topped up. They are only 10 to 20 minutes long and really don't we all have that much time to spare? 

When Molly came to visit for the Solstice Gathering I saw her in the yard doing Qi exercises with her laptop and I thought that was so dynamite I went looking for some free online videos. 

Great for starting out in the morning! Light and easy and wakes you up.

This one is for really building up some core strength. I present the 8 Brocades!

Anyone up for some Shaolin Kung Fu monk exercises?

Yet another good looking Qi Gong video

This one is a standing Qi gong- Part 1-5

Part 6-11

This one is for sitting for anyone who is recovering from illness or has trouble standing for long. They are sitting in lotus position but just adapt that pose to a chair sitting upright.

I have noticed a kind of synergy in development of my vital energy and the alchemy.What I mean by this is simply by utilizing both tools in activation together they seem to amplify each other. Like everything you have to just do it to know it. If we are centered and balanced and have more vital energy then I think this helps us perform our personal and group missions to help bring out the best in others. :) 

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  • Enjoyed the Qi Gong links, Mary. The dance like movements brought in a quality that I was not experiencing with Yoga. After our "frequency fest" last eve, the body is delighted for these exercises.  skg

  • Thanks for this info!

  • Thanks so much for these vital, informative practices.

  • I wanted to mention I am finding belly dancing to be a superb choice in boosting vitality, creativity and just general well being!  

  • Howdy Folks,

    Great thread! Thanks for starting it.

    I had to toss in one of my favorites.

    I studied with Sifu Dan Ferrera a few years ago.He developed his own Qigong system based on the push/pull of magnetic force and Katsumi Niikura's Ki Breathing Basic Four:

    Even has seated positions :)

    And my favorite,a very important lesson in moving energy.You can play with this one for a long time

    Once you learn it,you can do it anywhere you are throughout the day.After you learn the exercises,move your hands and try a push-pull from different directions.Like sides and top,or combine with the above 4 exercises.



  • Great Vitality shares!

    Thank you!

  • So does just regular exercise, walking, cycling, elliptical kind of stuff restore the vital force too? I imaging it does since I always feel better, but I imagine the types of energy movements you're talking about does it differently. What ye say?


  • I think all of the things you mentioned have a positive effect because of their super oxygenating actions but there is no question certain positions and deep breathing yoga, Qi gong are going to have a vitalizing effect in specific ways because of the pathway/merdians being activated. For me it's kinda about whatever gets you moving. If bike riding and swimming are more fun for you than tai chi then go for it. I love just walking. :) 

  • Almost all exercise TAKES vital force, such as working out on weights, running (in some cases), cycling (which is especially rough on the perineum and thus the root chakra and its vital flow). Walking is literally the best exercise there is. The reason they do is because it's an expenditure in energy which leads to a reduced ability to produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate). By the way, gold and indium can actually decrease the potential of ATP breaking down to ADP (adenosine diphosphate), which when that breakdown occurs lactic acid is the result. So we've had fitness freaks who use our products to maximize their workouts (still do).

    What most exercise takes in vital force can also be offset by the intake of oxygen, which is all about causing the demand for distribution though ATP generation within tissues. Obviously, with our vanity, we want to look good, and to do that vitality stealing exercises are necessary. Their effects can also be very well offset by incorporating yoga, tai chi and qi gong, and also deep breathing in the morning, meditation in the afternoon, and mental focus on something like the Sun, or a single point (or any of the meditations in Mastery Central) for ten minutes a day.

    So by all means, DO the exercises that slowly kill you, and offset their effects by doing everything that promote LIFE, Babies! 

    Of course, soon I'll be making the elixir of immortality, so this might all be moot ;-D

    -- Smiles

  • I'm about to announce the fact that Lapis Exillis seems to have faded from Merlin's agenda for us, at least for now. There will be a "something" that will always appear in that phase of the process, however, and I have a feeling that it will always be different and reflective of where we are as a group. This time it's black. And so we're calling it Lapis Negra. If you were to dowse it, or check with an intuitive free of ego and conditioned filters, you'd probably find out that it's a specie of the prima materia IF they were able to even begin to connect with that conceptual range.

    This "blackness" is both actual and figurative in the sense of void, as everything I'm doing alchemically right now is creating directly from the Void. So this stuff fuels everything right through the zeropoint of every cell.

    The reason I'm making the point in this thread is that the water it sits in is a 1000 ppm of something HUGELY special, and without any question whatsoever has a quickly realized benefit in one's tissues, from muscular to connective to organic. It's stunning, and so now what was once Lapis Exillis which for consumption had to be specially prepared can now be taken under the tongue directly, and WHOA is it nice.

    This is Yada Blahjason reporting from Outer Field. Film at eleven.

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