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New Paradigm Disciplines & Actions for Sovereignty
Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom. You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
Read more…Testimonials and Results of the alchemy
We want to hear your experiences with the alchemy! Please, post your testimonial with everyone and don't be shy! We’ve all been at the edge of that pivotal moment before delving into the wonder that alchemy is and all it has to offer! It’s…
Read more…Alchemy Information & Experiences
This thread is for any questions and discussion on the various alchemies available here.
Read more…New Paradigm Disciplines & Actions for Sovereignty
Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Read more…Learning to astral project
Hey group- has anyone taught themselves to astral project? Is it possible for everyone? Would love to hear about the nuances and any how-to'd if applicable!
Read more…Individual limitations
Hey all, pumped to be a new member here, thanks for having me. I believe with any skill or ability, one can approve drastically with the right intention, but am curious to natural limitations when it comes to mental visualization and even astral…
Read more…Hello Everybody
Looking forward to being a part of this group. I am only starting my journey
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It is interesting fascinating stuff to research. If you feel the compulsion then dive in! Have you any interest in making any of this tech yourself? I watched a movie not too long ago called SIRIUS which is an excellent documentary on disclosure of a wide range of stuff. It's on Netflix streaming right now but it's probably got a link on youtube for free or something too.
Did you see it? I was stunned to see how many citizens were basically "rediscovering" or literally inventing new free energy devices and all this ancient future tech. It was awesome. The cats out of the bag and the internet has CHANGED everything. So I imagine within a decade or sooner we will be seeing more and more and more about it.
As far as compulsions- I have a minor interest in all that. BUT I get compulsions to look up stuff all the time on various subjects and those usually have something to do with our projects or understanding something important We are eternal students and sponges. If you are driven to explore it and it thrills you then I encourage it! There is EVEN MORE advanced technology then the ones you mentioned that is being kept secret on levels of depth you would not believe. I think it is only a matter of time before it is released to us. What a day that will be!
Why don't you list some of your sources of info here- books, sites and etc. I know there are others here that share that interest. Sounds cool.
As you said its not limited to just the scientific aspect , it seems that vortexes are the common theme when it gets down to it.......more specifically what an electron actually is/is not . IE a standing wave i surmise is made of of some triad chrod frequencies whixh create the electrons field that we intersct with.
Then on a deeper level , some kind of vortic motion that goes along with chakra "spin" etc.........figure out one and use it to solve mysteries of the other (macro/microcosmic connections???).
Maybe a sort of "spirit infused" new tech age.........meditation brain synch goggles anyone?
Surely he must think some of these things.......surely he must not sit there and theorize N-dimensions /. String theory ----by no means a "simple" system of form as nature seems to implore.
Its from the darkness that everything is created least the bible has some things right........but i digress. Anyway, lets get some discussion going and I will get some of those links posted.
I had a phase of looking into this sort of stuff following a data download while in the shower - out of nowhere came a model of how the universe works. I wanted to check up whether it was all already known (it was). As it involves complex physics / math and as I'm about as far from being a mathematician as you can get, I didn't take it any further. But that brief bit of research was on the path that brought me here!
**commence THE TWILIGHT ZONE music**
Anyone here interested in free energy topics should introduce themselves to this brilliant and delightful being!
Hey, Eron. Hopeless? I think NOT! I'd say it's a great introduction by way of contribution.
Welcome aboard.
Incidentally, what are some of your ideas?