Hello Jason et al,

So last night I decided to come home after waiting a while since the queue at the airport was so long. (I drive for Lyft). I kept falling asleep or something, to the point I had to roll down the window! Very hard to stay awake. It was scary to say the least. Never has that happened before. I had plenty of sleep the night before so it was not due to any lack. I kept waking up and feeling very weird during the night. Almost dizzy. I have had vertigo so I knew it was not that. I slept around 9 hrs. total and still felt "off" this morning but as the day has moved on, I am ok. This happened around 9 or 10 pm. And even time felt weird because I thought I left around 9 or 9:30 for a 20 minute drive and got home at 10:40. Even right now I feel like I could take a nap.

Any insight?


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  • Hi Jackie,

    Have you had a checkup? Maybe it's a physical issue like hormones or something like your thyroid or adrenal function which can cause major fatigue out of nowhere. I always look for practical answers first. 

    The missing time thing is a little bit odd. If there was no traffic and it took you that long then something is a bit off there right?I might clock my drive to make sure. According to many experiencers ( not saying that happened to you but you know anything is possible), they too have had some time discrepancies to clue them in. And I don't say that to say yes that happened to you, and even if it did, I don't think it's a big deal unless you are experiencing trauma around it. The people who do those "abductings" are almost always family.

    Frankly, I think these visitations happen more frequently then we think and that we don't recall them as to not disrupt our life or scare us. If that is what happened would you be a little freaked about that? It used to happen to me back in 2011-2013 that I would get these extreme tiredness episodes and need to lie down and rest right then and then I would be awake but feeling like something was happening to me. Like an upgrade and then I would feel normal again and actually kind of refreshed by it. I do know that we CAN get basically abducted and visit with our cousins and real family and then zapped back in seconds and never know it. Do you sense something like that? Only way to know would probably be a hypnosis session with the right person. 

  • Hi Mary,

    Well I sure hope it is not a physical issue but I will go as soon as I can for blood work. Oh yes I know this route so the time thing is very sure. I have had another time years ago where I lost 2 hrs after driving thru that same area. 

    I did tell the "family" I am ok with a family reunion but not while I am driving lol. And again yesterday as I was watching tv around 8:30pm, I started getting tired and was asleep by 9pm. I feel not as off balance today. 

    I have lost contact with a very good hypnotist I knew. I will do my due diligence to find another. 

    Thank you Mary!

  • The thing we know is that when it is an optimal moment for our teammates from other levels to "get in" and do some work, no matter what it's for, they'll put you to sleep. Lost time...that's nothing. Time itself is losing itself. We're just in it watching it happen, BUT, sometimes it's necessary to do a little splicing when their work is "involved."

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