There have been a few members who we know have reached a milestone on the path to the True Awakening. The reason we know this is because they told us they had seen that at the core of Creation Itself is nothing but a giant laughing mouth, or something like it, which causes a cascade of realization through your entire system that this whole thing is a farce, a comedy, isn’t really happening, and truly doesn’t matter. In fact, the overall sense you’re left with is that nothing in all of Creation really matters, at all. Like it or not, this is absolutely true. And with that, thoughts and feelings, some engendered by a new flow of hormones, comes a very depressing sense of “Well, then what’s the point?”

With a “what’s the point”? feeling overcoming you, you may wonder if something is wrong. Let me assure you, it’s a step along the way, and is therefore a good thing. A prominent member here (Chance, aka Roy Rios) spent something like four months in that beautiful depression. You may actually think about suicide, not as an escape, but as a means to bust a move on your own story, although, let it be known that no one can walk out of their own story…PERIOD. You realize everything is just BS, and so why not just walk off into the desert and challenge the cacti and snakes and scorpions to elevate you out of this abyss.

The abyss? If you have no point, no purpose, and you really don’t, then why continue the charade? Right? And the more lucid you become not just in the Earth Dream, but in the Whole Dream, the more you realize that EVERYTHING is the Grand Charade – angels, demons, archangels, superbeings, galactic architects – it’s ALL a charade and the events in the trillions of pageants don’t matter one iota. Well, let me go on a bit, as a final stone in the foundation of TSB is going to be written soon enough.

So, what is what I call the True Awakening? In a word, it’s what Eastern Thought calls enlightenment. Since it achieved me about eight years ago, I can speak with authority on what it is, but only in approximations because there are no words to define or describe the actual event of it. But I can tell you in no uncertain terms whatsoever what the result is.

The major impetus of the last major project prior to TSB, The Blue Emerald, was this very thing. It was a boot camp, and did not molly-coddle, didn’t use flowery language, didn’t apologize. It simply said “You’re asleep. That’s it. And you either refuse to accept that, or you think you are Truly Awake when you most certainly are not.” In many ways the Impetus of the Blue Emerald was more powerful than what we have going on here with the TSB group and its projects, but only because if you could Truly Awaken a large number of people, that group would flow more clearly and openly everything needed from Above.

The True Awakening is an event that causes you to awaken fully in this dream, and it is far more powerful than going lucid in a dream while sleeping, because you’ve just realized that you’re not alive at all, at least no more alive than you are as the character you are in your dream while sleeping at night. It’s the FULL realization, with your every particle, that there are no solid objects, there is no space, you yourself are holographic, digital, just a symbolic representation, and you actually experience the world from the Truly Awake Vantage Point, which is FAR different than the asleep side of the veil.  Did you see “The Sixth Sense?” In it, when Bruce Willis’ character finds out he’s dead…that’s precisely the size of the realization. It makes you sick and filled with both disgust and delight. You could laugh and cry insanely and alternately for what could be hours, if not days. The disgust comes from the fact that you’d fooled yourself so completely all this time, and the delight comes from the fact that you’re finally FREE.

Whether or not you have designed for yourself to achieve the True Awakening in this embodiment is really the only question, and it’s not really worth asking. The reason for this is because if you seek Enlightenment it will evade you. What IS worth knowing is everything you would do to achieve it is actually the simplest, cleanest, most powerful way to live in this 3D Earth Dream. That’s why I’ll be writing the TSB section called The Simple Truth soon enough.

The reason for this pre-emptive post is because we happen to know more than just a few of you have reached the truly lofty milestone of “What’s the point?” We just wanted you to know it’s a major step along the way.

Just remember: The joke is ALWAYS on you. Look for that in everything and you’ll begin to see Truth underlying every lie.

The trick is to know in every moment that absolutely nothing is real, that it really is all a lie, but at the same time to love and cherish your part in it. Do actors love what they do? Yes, and so should you, because that's what you are. I've just given the Secret to Life on 3D Earth. Lie or not, the experience gained is precious beyond all comprehension on all levels.

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  • This is when it really gets fun. "I am the real nowhere man going nowhere"...when you realize this it is depressing at first....then it gets exciting because we can now play and create what ever we want.I was in a major depression for 4yrs..... I was really ready to walk on out of here.T have always believed this was not real that the real life was on the other side and I have wanted to go back home since i was 6.I did not kill myself because I knew the best was yet to come and if I went thru that door I would be so disappointed that I did not see this adventure thru.Since I have made the discision to stay and play it is getting to be more fun and hooking up with communities and groups that are aware has made me Happy to be here playing this game.Its my Movie and I will make it the way I want it now.Thanks Superbeings.Thanks Jason....Love Love Love....

  • Thank you Jason for putting into words what so many of us have felt and experienced, but (for me) sometimes cant find the words to express such an overwhelming truth.

  • be what thou art.

    thou art nothing.

    and it is joyous.

    reach into nothingness with the hands that were never there, into the void that was never there, with the mind that forgot itself to be anywhere but where it never was.

    and laugh oblivon's bells.

    and down shake the pillars apart.

    for their part in a play that was never anything at all.

    and nothing takes it's bow.

    to thunderous silence in applause.

    nothing am i. nothing to know it. nothing to be it. and nothing to declare it.

    and yet here be i, the nothing in witness of it.

  • I sometimes feel that no body really exists in this realm. That I Am the only one here and all are just teachers or cleaver clowns along the way to direct me to the truth of my own enlightenment.

  • How strange to read this and not be outraged with betrayal. Perhaps it is because I have repeatedly been saying "everything is suspect!" Your posting raises so many questions and yet I feel so relieved in understanding why I knew everything was suspect was knawing away at me.
    Back in the late 80's I took an Avatar Course. The final exercise was to let go of every particle of your body: "Feel what's there. Let it go. Feel what is left. Now let go of that. Now let go of that....." I did that exercise and found myself - formless - in a non-space of incomprehensible pulsating ALL POTENTIAL. And it appeared beige. No images came and went. The only sound was a deep thrum. I did not differentiate presence from this space. There was force,power, life magnified-expressed as one LOVE. Not hugs and kisses and words and waves of emotion. Just an IT IS ALL - THAT. (We do not have the words to really get this across.)
    I was gone for hours. The facilitator was fast asleep. It had gotten very dark outside. In coming back was because I had held onto a dime-sized part of my being that I had been unwilling to let go of in this exercise. I felt myself rematerialize bit by bit. I was euphoric for days!
    My point in telling you this is that because of my conscious immaturity at the time I was "That's it!!? It's beige!?!!" Where were the collosol Light Beings, and the wondrous universes, and the stupendous vistas? I totally missed what ALL POTENTIAL meant!
    Which gets me to now. Apparently, given the choice, I prefer being in the illusion this big lie offers me to play with. Even though I know it's not real and nothing matters, I want to make amazing sand boxes to play in; and complex serious challenging game boards to populate with playing pieces; and drag my feet when I get called in to come home.
    And I feel responsible and accountable for what I have created so far, and find it really hard to walk away from them and all that - even if it means freedom. Even as a lie, it remains LOVE.
  • The Warrior’s Prayer

    I am what I am.
    In having faith in the beauty within me I develop trust.
    In softness I have strength.
    In silence I walk with the gods.
    In peace I understand myself and the world.
    In conflict I walk away.
    In detachment I am free.
    In respecting all living things I respect myself.
    In dedication I honour the courage within me.
    In eternity I have compassion for the nature of all things.
    In love I unconditionally accept the evolution of others.
    In freedom I have power.
    In my individuality I express the God-Force within me.
    In service I give of what I have become.
    I am what I am:
    Eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite.
    And so be it. (Stuart Wilde) 

  • This is jusy Beautiful..... thank-you.

    roy rios juvera jr. said:

    be what thou art.

    thou art nothing.

    and it is joyous.

  • I have felt this way for years now. I had this happen several years ago as a matter of fact. I still struggle with it regularly...but all of the above posts are spot on. It's easy to sit on one's pity pot knowing this truth, but at the same time as is said above...comes creativity, laughter, and play. It's hard not to laugh one's ass off at the extreme dysfunction all around us and the drama that goes with it...even at the suffering, but it's all a huge story. I find the ways to put my arms around this truth is to find gratitude in small things, to immerse in nature as much as possible, connectheart to heart with other enlightened humans, and being with animals, even if it's all an illusion. Mother Earth is so beautiful and I love her dearly, which is why (I think, and I wonder why quite a bit) I came back again to be here right now.

  • I've had that experience of "nothing is real."  The most frightening and depressing aspect about that moment was the realization that there was no "Jason" - the guy who is saying you're dreaming is not even real.   Realizing  I was holographic -- a digitized version of an un localized something. Even now  I experience waves of  "what's the point"  and I'm in a game. Each time they happen the insights are deeper.  (You know that movie the Game with Sean Penn and Michael Douglas.)  Unlike the Michael Douglas character I know I am in a game.  Yet I can't stop myself from taking actions and believing  that I can change the outcome because after all I created the game and the rules.  Then why am I not designing a more interesting game?  Then I realize it's part of the delusion as well - this idea of I can create and manifest.. blah blah blah  it's about experiencing what already is, isn't it? 

     I am no longer myself  even though there was never myself to begin with.  The best way for me to describe this whole experience is that I am a car, well  a smart car, like a Tesla.  It  is aware that it is a car.  

    I think though it's important not to say "What's the point" from a defeated space.  I noticed it trigger feelings of not wanting to engage in and with the world (although there's no world) . It can trigger apathy - not wanting to take  actions.  In our 3D version of the world it's the quickest way of It's like I  becoming  a beach bum --  nothing wrong --  in the East they are considered great sages.  It's not part of my plans.  i enjoy a roof over my head as being  a part of my experience.

  • I am really enjoying reading the thoughts shared here. Thank you to everyone and please keep the conversation going!

    Tammy and Shirley - YESSSSSS.

     I have not yet had the true awakening but I feel Iike I have had at least glimpses and it seems to be a bottomless knowing. It would seem like knowing it's not real or pointless would make it seem meaningless and drab but it does not. There is a preciousness to things that permeates. There is a connectivity and a feeling of ONE if I am the one making this. There is an awe to it- the hugeness of it. I recall there was this hullabaloo about people watching Avatar the movie and getting super depressed cause they wanted to be on Pandora. A bunch of commenters were incredulous because aside from the flying dragons the commentators were like "DUH GAIA IS PANDORA LOOK AROUND YOU!" and lamented the fact that people were so disconnected from earth that could even not see how magickal and beautiful and amazing this planet actually is right in front of them.

    This will sound strange but I have begun studying video games and I am starting to recognize that the enjoyment of the video game is dependent on several factors- storyline and intrigue, freedom and mobility to interact on planets and with the elements of the game's design, software design, is it free of bugs and is it believable to play it? Is it fun? How much freedom do you have? Are the limits just right? Is it challenging and does it impart a sense of satisfaction when you achieve new levels? Is it interesting enough to keep you coming back for more?  Does it make sense and function smartly ?  Is it beautiful, the art and design ?, The depth of the characters and their range of abilities, what sort of choices, emotional experiences can you have?  At least those are factors that would keep my attention. It must be true if we are here now as well and not somewhere else or nowhere.

    If you were to compare our lives and earth to a video game you would be absolutely blown away by how perfect and near flawless the entire game IS you are IN RIGHT NOW.

    KNOWING THIS, how are you going to play the game now?

    Think of the computing power required for this game. Just look at a single day and the math involved on this scale of all these players together in volition. What it takes to make it all happen. Our higher self designed this game. One of many many many on the shelves. Version #12! Production for #13 is in effect! What do you think will be better about #13 version of THE EARTH GAME?

    And it's staggering to consider the fluidity and perfection of the design of it and the depth free standingly ready to evolve within it - meaning the game is not static.  This game is self teaching. Secret alchemy back door clues! Like something you would read about buried on gamer forums. So, imagine several avatars or game players that wake up within the game staring back at you with the paddle or joystick. You are staring into each other's eyes. The recognition and love astounding. The avatar is in full cooperation now merged with the creator/designer. NOW what can be done within the game? 

    Here we have the ability to appreciate the depth of what is in front of you from a deeper awareness. So maybe you trade the programmed emotions - the ones you used to experience being human and get back depth of FEELING a new kind of experience.  Depth of feeling perhaps that is the merging of yourself into ONE. A bottomless joy in every color.  

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