Lately it’s become clearer and clearer that I am at a turning point in my alchemical career. This comes almost hand-in-glove with a general knowing that we have a more specific assignment being handed down from Metaself and many other people existing and cooperating with Project Earth on multiple densities, all the way to galactic management. It’s no wonder…it’s all timing. Huge things are happening on the planet, and of course the entire galaxy is involved. Among these people are of course Merlin, his teacher, and a few others involved in their “mind-trust.” Xupra is also involved, of course, as She is hosting our visits and serving as a source for codes, frequencies and knowledge. Sometimes I feel St. G circulating around this, as well.

The assignment is this: we are to raise a group of people to a very high level. It’s safe to say that such a level is rare with the human mechanism as presently constituted. The way this is to be done is through a whole new and dazzling array of alchemical outputs, four of which are almost ready to go as I type. Added to that as a specific methodology, will be workshops, where we can use explanatory means to give intellectual dimensions to knowledge being liberated from within everyone who participates in this with sincerity, selflessness and nobility of purpose.

A little background might help. I’ll be going into some detail because I want this group to understand as completely as possible what we’re undertaking together, and how things fit. About two months ago, I had a strong compulsion to make white powder gold from pure metal gold. I know some of you found us by looking for white powder gold and therefore may wonder what I could be talking about when it would seem that’s what we’ve always provided. This is true, but we’ve always provided it from natural sources. The reason I never pursued the making of WPG from pure gold is A) because I’ve had it in my possession from other makers, one of which is the most famous of all: David Hudson; B) because making it would be prohibitively expensive; C) I just wasn’t compelled to make it.

For those of you unaware of David Hudson and his contribution to modern alchemy, just do a search for “david hudson ormes,” which stands for “orbitally rearranged monoatomic elements.” The method his lab employed became a patent, which wasn’t a complete recipe. David Hudson’s WPG had some special properties, but it wasn’t on a particularly high level, and was largely inert in my body. I still have that vial, in fact, after 15 years. It’s important to note that much of what he made before he got sabotaged from the inside was made from high ormes-content volcanic cinder. Another WPG was from another “alchemist” and it suffered from the same problem. In my body, it was almost inert, as active as baking soda, and this told me that no matter the recipe or starting material, it’s still all about who is making it, 100%. And NOT because of who or what they are, but how much they keep themselves out of what is being made. Almost no manufacturer of any alchemical substance of any class is aware of the importance of this. I always have been, however.

Secondly, expense. First, the gold. The spot price has been around $40 a gram for years, give or take $5. That has to be passed through to the purchaser. Then there’s the labor-intensive demands of making it. It is hard to make, and it is hit and miss to make it in an authentically alchemical way. What I mean by this is if you employ the Hudson patented method, you’ll make it every time. If you employ the method I innovated and have added to the Great Alchemical Book of Knowledge, you might not (and you’d have to be me for it to work no matter what). I consistently observe impossible things in its making, an example being that 100 mg of gold made a gram of white powder on one run, meaning 10x the original mass, and on the second run 7 grams of gold made 1.65 grams of white powder and from which 2 grams of metal gold were reclaimed for reuse. So about 23.7% converted. To say “converted” is something of a misnomer, as we know for a fact that we are donating TO the zero point, and receiving FROM the zero point. We’re constantly seeing mass from nothing, sometimes significantly, like 3-4x the mass being spent in any given operation. It happens all the time.

Since I’m pretty sure we’re the only commercial operation creating and offering a white powder made from pure gold, it occurred to me that most seekers who’ve wanted it for years, even decades, would pay anything for it. But, it turns out it takes so little per dose to do what it does, that it makes it affordable if available in 10ths of grams in a dried form. It's so light 2/10ths of a gram half fills a 1 dram vial, and that would be enough for at least a month, maybe two. I will be making it available in larger weights, but we can charge no less than $300-$400 a gram, realizing fully that there are many folks out there who would gladly pay that and more. But when the finished dried powder is put back into deionized water? It spreads its power and glory through it, and taken by dropper provides more than enough of it per dose. Doing it this way makes it affordable for everyone.

Thirdly, the compulsion. You might wonder why the compulsion had never been there before. There were a few reasons: I felt Gaia was a better, more knowledgeable, alchemist than I, and I felt the huge stretches of time involved in making the natural substances, by nature herself, was something none of us could ever employ. It would be like an alchemist starting a procedure at 20 and finishing it at 60. A high-level (literally world-management team level) scientist-alchemist friend of mine told me the desert material we use for Alkhem was more powerful than WPG would ever be, giving me yet another reason to not pursue it. My job was therefore to take what nature had done, extract it, concentrate it, make it safe to use, and make it available. This was the modus operandi, using nature’s stuff, and a little of my own, such as aqueous gold (admittedly very high level), until Merlin came along. This MO was fairly consistent, acknowledging that I had also learned to augment nature in many ways, especially with gold and the platinum group metals from those pure metals. Admittedly, I had also made both the Red and Green Lions of Medieval and Renaissance alchemical lore, and also tiny rubies, which were born within a gold matrix, so I mistakenly felt I had matriculated right past the WPG schooling. I just thought it was a modern assumption that it was anything more special than nature made.

Then suddenly this compulsion to make white powder gold from 99.999% pure gold, and believe it or not, there is still an impurity in gold even that pure that must come out in its initial preparation, which is of course part of the alchemical path for making authentic WPG. I had one of my hunches that it had to do more with the accomplishment of its making than it did with making it available. In other words, in accomplishing it, I get another gold star on my alchemist’s ledger, and perhaps graduate to another level, realizing of course the levels never end. Said another way, Merlin himself is still a student of alchemy.

On this I was wrong. The accomplishment of making it isn’t more important. The substance itself is incalculably more important, which I’ll get more into.

In the meantime, what we’ve come to learn is the importance of a clean body. We’ve been yacking about this area of concern for going on 2 years now. The cleaner the body, the better the decisions. The cleaner the body, the cleaner the thoughts. The cleaner the body, the cleaner the brain, opening pathways to otherwise inaccessible information sources. The cleaner the body, the less susceptibility to the mishandling of energy. The cleaner the body, the more responsibility can be conferred upon the individual in the use of energy, thus moving the individual to higher and higher levels of mastery over energy, time and “matter.”

In short, cleaning the body is of utmost importance on the path to mastery. Isn’t it therefore suspicious that upon cleaning my own body, it became time to make white powder gold, thus the sudden compulsion? Said another way, while my body was as filthy as pretty much everybody else’s in the world, I couldn’t even dream about making it. I myself have never been pure enough to even receive the tutelage from Above...until two months ago. There are glaringly practical reasons for this. If your cells are clogged with sludge and crap and metals and so forth, there’s no room for the good stuff. This is true on both the physical and so-called spiritual levels, because all that crap is also crap on so-called spiritual levels. I tend to replace “spiritual” with “energetic,” and my use of “energetic” is more like saying “the physically invisible.” As you might know, in my world, there isn't anything physical, which is why getting the semantics correct for explanatory purposes is important.

This is precisely why we were given all the tools to help anybody who would listen to get their bodies as clean as possible. It was all preliminary to being given tools that would replace all the crap we’ve purged. As it happens, white powder gold of course works at the cellular level (as does everything, good or bad), and so it was for all intents and purposes pointless to have it for consumption when there was no room in the cells for its absorption. These facts told me many things, but the most important being that our toxification was very specific to a given plan. That plan necessitated that we stay stuck and nullified and toxified until a given juncture. For reasons I can only ascribe to timing, we are now to clean our bodies and nourish the cells with these new alchemical substances.

During the process of researching and developing it, which is to say following my intuition and “see what happens,” we learned some fascinating things. It CAN be a universal panacea, just as the legends have always asserted. It CAN be an age reverser, for the fantastic increase in the “light within photons” nourishing and energizing the cells. Within everything, there is another light…a most essential light, and it’s also within light, or photons. It CAN replace the need for food…at least eventually, and not even necessarily. It CAN reveal powers in the strictly 3D mechanics of the body that are highly esoteric. It CAN open one’s entire body to being a perceptual organ. In other words, it CAN awaken the body-mind to engage in the multi-density act of perceiving and understanding. Another way to say this is, it CAN make you more psychic, possibly way more psychic, but more in a way that you are a subtle information sponge soaking up information with the all of you as you move through this energetic substrate. I know this because it’s happening to me, and it’s not clairvoyance or clairaudience…it’s knowing. Clairvoyance and clairaudience are about receiving information, while knowing is about being the information.

This all plays conceptually into what we will be doing together. In moving the body towards being more subtle, less dense, more “energetic” (not necessarily as strength or stamina, but those also come naturally), one is more merged with the energetic substrate of 3D reality, and being more merged with the energetic substrate gives one increasing command of the energetic substrate. This merger is not possible without a clean cellular structure, and though it is possible to achieve without tools like white powder gold, it’s far easier and more efficient with tools on this level. It’s why they exist. As a useful graphic, imagine each of your cells being pixels, but these pixels are toxified by “bad code.” Imagine the energetic substrate also being composed of pixels (because, in fact, that’s what they are). You can merge your cellular pixels with those pixels, but those pixels aren’t going to allow the merger until they’re harmonically correct, which means clean and charged with what white powder gold can do.

This is part and parcel how mastery over “matter” takes place, at the precursor, energetic substrate level. An additional benefit in using alchemical substances of this class, one that is significant and powerful, is that you don’t necessarily have to be “taught” anything. In other words, knowledge, wisdom, bloom from within, sort of a priori, which is to say “knowledge without experience.” In other words, if you are to levitate, you won’t need to be taught by the reception of information. You’ll just be the knowledge on how to do it.

As a group, however, we can share and learn together, because there are intellectual tools that can function as triggers for epiphanies that leave us with higher knowledge at our fingertips. Thus, the workshops. These will also, significantly, be for generating enormous energy to be used any way the Gang Upstairs sees fit, but also for health and healing of participants, individually and collectively. The most important idea at play in these will be: This is not for me, but for everyone and everything else. I am on this call to serve. Let’s see what we can do together to help the world along its path.

I’ve made a beautiful, incredibly light, white powder from pure gold. One superseer looked at it and said, “It’s made of baby angels!” Another superseer said, “It goes beyond what can be identified. It truly sits in the zero space. It can be whatever it needs to be for anyone. It will gently, subtly, support anything anyone may have, need, or be. It adds strength to all systems and creates smoothness to being.”

This “zero space” idea is important, because being in the zero space means you are sitting in the cauldron that is you as pure potential. Pure potential is the quantum domain, where all potential exists in a sort of homogeneous simultaneity. It is impossible for there to be nonexistent potential, so all potential exists at all times. Therefore, one’s given “life plan” is not necessarily any longer an unbreakable contract. This is carte blanche liberation from the strictures of materiality while engaging as a material being. That’s powerful, and understanding that very thing is gaining an understanding of the direct correspondences of the Adam Kadmon (primordial man), which is why this WPG is called Origin. It’s a restoration of original self, if you will, but so much more, because original self now has the distinct advantage of working within an Electromagnetic-Carbon plane that vibrates on a very high level, and is going to continue to raise in frequency.

Other substances occurred from the energetic substrate and became manifest while playing with it. So far, it appears there are at least 8 substances to be brought forth over the coming months. Four of those are ready now. That white powder made from pure gold is among the first of these tells me that we are about to embark on an astonishing journey. If substances like white powder gold have been known and documented since ancient Egypt, then what substances haven't been known and documented? I suspect we’ll find out. It’s those I know we’ll reach through the zero point and bring through. How do I know? I’m doing it now. I’m seeing the magical, the impossible, right before my eyes, like never before, and this gives me, personally, good reason to believe that the Gang Upstairs, let’s call them The Establishment, has some big things in store for us.

The new line’s names: Spectral, Deva, Sahas and Origin. We’ll be announcing by the week following November the 9th, along with a few ancillary tools for cellular absorption.

For those of you not yet using Purazyme, it’s time you do. It is specifically designed to remove everything that must go. I use it every day, and I don’t anticipate ceasing its use, ever, because we absorb copious quantities of pollutants every single day.

Please don't swamp Mary with messages, such as to have it sent now. Watch for the announcement, because there are other elements involved you'll want to know about. 

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  • How wonderful Mary!  I agree, the more I feel joy and appreciation (even in the smallest of things and moments) the more joy filled experiences come my way and it just keeps on flowing.  Life has become so much easier, richer and freer.

    Happy New Year!  May this be the best one yet in the continuing realization and integration of our multi-dimensional selves.

  • Yep, yep, and oh, uh, yep. My description might be a little different. I identify less than ever with the Great Lie that is this laughably false simulation, and even though I became "enlightened 8-9" years ago, seeing right through it, always, to this day, its falseness deepens and deepens, the recognition of it, but with ALL my body and mind. These powder gold alchemies are doing it, and with this comes this sense of a boundary-less form somehow represented by the organization of pixels of the body, and because it's energy, I can use it to tap into and "manipulate" natural energies with greater ease than ever. And the funniest part about that? I don't need to manipulate it, for any reason, ever. But I can BE manipulated by universal flow. In that, someone will ask for some energy or healing and before I can say it's done, it's done. 

    By the way, everyone, we'll be starting the calls again soon. It'll be so fun.

    Love all 'round! 

    Nancy Lovell said:

    I started using Spectral a couple of times and recently started using both the Origins liquid and powder.  What I've noticed is that I am perceiving/sensing my physical body as being more of an avatar for my higher awareness/consciousness -- it's similar to what happens when I use my avatar to visit and experience Xupra.  I seem to be outside of my body watching myself as I move around and experience this human existence.  Even upon awakening I get the sense of going back into a physical body which feels somewhat stiff and confining  -- like I'm getting into a tight fitting scuba diving wet suit.  I also feel more detached from everything that is unfolding in front of eyes.  And I seem to be able to change/create little things I experience with just the briefest of thoughts/desires.

  • That is so cool, Winne. In my novel, set in the near future, one of the characters might say, "Sleek!"

    What you've written belongs in every book on true mastery there is. You invocation, by the way, is very nice. It's still a command, but is less demanding! (smile)

    Theo said:

    Initially I was only going to purchase Origin because that’s all I could afford. A change in circumstance enabled me to purchase all the other alchemies excep the powder. That is to say I was mostly excited about Origin.

    When the package arrived I was only drawn to Spectrum. I understood why after reading that it was a gift from Merlin. My causeless heartfelt joy was a secret expression of gratitude to Merlin for this gift.

    The firs time I used Origin was the day before Winter Solstice. It was an impulsive gesture that became obvious a couple of hours later after its usage.  I had a desire to meditate and do a ritual under the moon on the night of the solstice.  I sprayed  Origin in my mouth and over my head to prepare for my “abundance ritual.”. 

    To my surprise, I felt no need to ask the Moon Goddess and Cosmos for anything.  As I sat under the  stunning dark sky a desire to just sit and be with the Moon naturally arose and  overshadowed all wants, simply because the Moon was now in me.  How silly and amateurish it would be of me to ask for a new job.

    Deva is a precious alchemy.  I am shy about using the word I “commend You” so istead I say “ let us be entangled “ “ come and be with me”  The energy that rushes and swirls  all around me is most playful, noble and loving.  It is literally a Being. To say energy is quite inaccurate.

    The line of communication between me and a higher level being has broadened and has become clearer.  It’s wild for me to  say this. But I experience a disembodied being as being much closer to me (space and time) then let’s say a friend who lives less than 10 miles away from me.  I am not sure if this expansion is the result of Deva or Origin.  Perhaps it’s the combination.

  • Happy Birthday Mr. Wizard.  Thank you so much for being the powerful vessel through which we receive these gifts.  With love!

  • How wonderful Winnie -- to feel this connection and closeness to your higher self/higher consciousness/multi-dimensional self/"the witness" -- whatever you wish to call it.  Whatever you want to call it, it is the Real YOU in the quantum field (the field of infinite possibilities), which is using your human body as a vehicle to play in and experience the joys that can be found in this physical existence.  You are also a vessel, here to hold the higher light or frequencies which are being sent to assist the Earth and humanity as they evolve into the next stage of experience and exploration of All That Is and All That They Are.

    This closeness you feel is there all the time trying to help guide us with the softest of whispered messages delivered to us via our feelings and intuition. But when we get caught up in what's going on "out there" on the "screen of our awareness" we easily lose sensing that connection.  It's only when we train ourselves take multiple short pauses (of 5 - 12 seconds each), within each day to simply close our eyes, breathe and just Be that we can once more become aware of our expanded Self which is always present.

    Sending you much love.

    Theo said:

    The line of communication between me and a higher level being has broadened and has become clearer.  It’s wild for me to  say this. But I experience a disembodied being as being much closer to me (space and time) then let’s say a friend who lives less than 10 miles away from me.  I am not sure if this expansion is the result of Deva or Origin.  Perhaps it’s the combination.

  • Well thank you for the early well-wishes. I forgot to comment on something in your post, about feeling closer to disembodied beings than to people in bodies here. Obviously, those beings have bodies, but their frequencies just aren't on our wavelength. Working here to consciously and strategically make a bridge between the wavelengths is what we're doing. For me, it's impossible for me to see anything here as anything but a mirage, while the so-called disembodied ones are my best and most palpable friends, and this includes the great beings in the night sky I view with my telescope. That being said, however, I feel a closeness to the fleshly group here that is just PROFOUND, and that means a lot to me to have you all here, now. Parts of all this have to be more than a mirage. This is the one place that is true for me.

    Theo said:

    Happy Birthday Mr. Wizard.  Thank you so much for being the powerful vessel through which we receive these gifts.  With love!

  • To the fledgling self (JD) and Merlin, if I'm not mistaken, Great Work with this community! True, Joyous, Critical, Transformative. With relentless love and gratitude, Kalki and (Calvin), onward we go into experience!

    To all and your Meta-lineages also!


  • I never knew our  "disembodied friends" actually had a body. That makes these experiences even more meaningful to me.

    A point of clarification--- the closeness which I talk about  in my previous post refers to space and time and not so much an emotional bond.  I perceived my "disembodied" friends as being light years away. Sort of like you are in Utah and I am in California. And yet it's as if I have known you and Mary forever and we have never met face to face. And yet there is such closeness, just as you lived 10 miles away.

    I feel extremely blessed to have  connected or re-connected to each and everyone of you through this cyber universe. My remembrance of my meta self  would have been improbable without you guys.
    JD Aliix said:

    Well thank you for the early well-wishes. I forgot to comment on something in your post, about feeling closer to disembodied beings than to people in bodies here. Obviously, those beings have bodies, but their frequencies just aren't on our wavelength. Working here to consciously and strategically make a bridge between the wavelengths is what we're doing. For me, it's impossible for me to see anything here as anything but a mirage, while the so-called disembodied ones are my best and most palpable friends, and this includes the great beings in the night sky I view with my telescope. That being said, however, I feel a closeness to the fleshly group here that is just PROFOUND, and that means a lot to me to have you all here, now. Parts of all this have to be more than a mirage. This is the one place that is true for me.

    Theo said:

    Happy Birthday Mr. Wizard.  Thank you so much for being the powerful vessel through which we receive these gifts.  With love!

  • This stuff is blowing me away.  Incredible!  Awesome!  Thx Jason

  • amazing read , this was easy to understand and the knowledge is impeccable!thank you for sharing ! as always i look forward to ever advancing alchemy

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