Today's eclipse March 8th 2016 is the stepping up of what this entire year is about, which is an intensification in separation. That separation is as simple as it gets: the selfless from the selfish, and the division is becoming clearer all the time.

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On January 20, 5 major planets will be in alignment for the first time in 10 years. This will last for about one month. It's beauty, to my understanding can be mostly appreciated from the sky in Australia. The 5 planets are: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn

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This is being presented as a primer for Thursday night's (Jan 14) Xupra Call. We're renaming the Thursday Roundtable Calls to Xupra Calls, as the focus of TSB is now going to amp up hugely to widen the bandwidth between here and Xupra. The below will

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All Recordings

I am a relatively new member to this group and have been working to figure out a way to basically catch up (probably not possible) with many of you that have been at this for lot longer than me .  I have pretty well read everything on the site at lea

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Greetings All,

This is a little story for you amusement:

I went to the doctor the other day for a routine check-up.There was the usual tests,coughing,checking eyes,reflexes,and so on.The doctor left the room for a little while,and then came back int

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