There is so much to talk about it’s truly nuts, and to pull it all together is going to take some serious writing time for me. What it all comes down to is a clearer understanding about what we as a group and ultimately family are going to be doing o
Our membership is experiencing an increase in miracle level events, ourselves included. Merlin Power Stones, Puramyds, and the Alchemy are a big part of why it is happening.
These include reality glitches and many "impossible," miraculous, occurrence
I received my Merlin Stone 5 days ago on March 28th and it is stunning! As soon as I took it out of the gold gift box and held it, still wrapped and in the protective pouch, I could feel the energy enter my left palm and then it seemed to enfold my
I was meditating last night. Once I am into my meditation and my mind is cleared I begin collecting energy. As I was gathering energy last night I could hear what sounded like a flute playing as well as a whistle. I have never heard this during medit
I myself am working towards meat not being part of my diet. I feel anything dead does not need to be in our steady rising vibrations or even inside our precious vehicle for that matter.
Do I need to carry Merlin pyramid on my person or keep in my home? What kind of range does it have? Will it help family members within the span of a city?
We will be having a gathering the weekend of August 21, 2017, for the total solar eclipse. We'll be camping on private property near Humphrey, Idaho, and then driving South around 30 miles to get into the totality shadow. This is going to be a big de
This year's Summer Solstice Bash will take place on June 19-22 in the Uinta Mountains in Utah. We will be camping, and there are camping gear rental places all over Salt Lake City, which is the airport you'll want to fly into. The airport is about tw
I have a proposal and wanted to give the floor to those who may have some expert knowledge to share. A new friend asked me if I knew any astrologers as he wants to gather up data on a particular date that might be important. I know some of
On the morning of 2/16/17 I got up early. As I was going down a set of steps I missed the bottom one, coming down hard on my foot and taking a fall. I was pretty sure it was a rather serious injury as I thought I had heard a pop or crack! Ouch! A
Hello to everyone! I am new to the superbeings. For a long time been looking for answers and now I found this website. As I read it trough for couple of days finally found some satisfying answers and explanations for my personal experiences. All my l
I think this insight and encouragement is so valuable for all of us. Somehow I got the memo that it is all a game; one we created and chose, AND that we came here at this time to enjoy and share. So even when I could have stayed depr
Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
This discussion is for any questions, clarification or comments to do with my book, The Simple Truth - Fast Path to Freedom.
You can get it on Amazon in paperback or Kindle formats here.
We want to hear your experiences with the alchemy! Please, post your testimonial with everyone and don't be shy!
We’ve all been at the edge of that pivotal moment before delving into the wonder that alchemy is and all it has to offer! It’s…
Welcome to the Great Awakening! Did you know that was what was happening right now? Although events have not played out the way Age of Aquarians and New Age Thought always assumed, we are in fact in the middle of it. What surprises and fascinates is…
Hey group- has anyone taught themselves to astral project? Is it possible for everyone? Would love to hear about the nuances and any how-to'd if applicable!
Hey all, pumped to be a new member here, thanks for having me. I believe with any skill or ability, one can approve drastically with the right intention, but am curious to natural limitations when it comes to mental visualization and even astral…